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Fango #9

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Fango #9

Judged by: 4548

Closed: November 11, 2009

Hidden Placement Showname Breed Type Owner
13 BOS Rede/Satire Like A Sore Thumb Abyssinian Conformation 0
12 BOB Olire's Happy Gilmore Abyssinian Conformation 0
15 HM Rede Starship of Satire Abyssinian Conformation 212
12 BOB VRK Shining Star Balinese Conformation 4866
13 BOS NB's Into Oblivion Balinese Conformation 48
15 HM Rede/Boheme Betty Buttered Balinese Conformation 0
12 BOB VRK Muffin Dumpling Korat Conformation 4866
13 BOS Satire Give Me Liberty Korat Conformation 4548
15 HM Furetto Rat Face Korat Conformation 0
12 BOB Furetto Simply Saucy Oriental Longhair Conformation 0
13 BOS Witz's Military Lord Oriental Longhair Conformation 4854
15 HM Twin's Brilliant Blackwell Oriental Longhair Conformation 7339
12 BOB Monarchy Royal Family Oriental Shorthair Conformation 0
13 BOS Sicorn's From Rags To Riches Oriental Shorthair Conformation 5795
15 HM Cupid's Bring it On Oriental Shorthair Conformation 7088
12 BOB Blanco Negro's ROSYJSKA RULETKA Russian Blue Conformation 0
13 BOS Monarchy Dignity and Power Russian Blue Conformation 8074
15 HM Mirror Blue's La Vita e Bella Russian Blue Conformation 7420
12 BOB Rede's Dreaming Eyes of Boheme Seychellois Conformation 48
13 BOS Rebirth's Picture Purrfect Seychellois Conformation 7536
13 BOS Willough's Paint The Sky Seychellois Conformation 7536
12 BOB Lakeshore's What to Say? Seychellois Conformation 8074
15 HM Rede's Second Sight of Boheme Seychellois Conformation 48
12 BOB VRK Going With The Flo Siamese Conformation 4866
13 BOS Boheme Gold Star Siamese Conformation 48
15 HM Cupid's Freak Out Siamese Conformation 7088
12 BOB Akaviri It Wasn't Me Singapura Conformation 3734
13 BOS Mirror Blue's Never Too Much Singapura Conformation 7420
15 HM Toretto Noise To The Brain Somali Conformation 54
12 BOB Witz's Midday Meal Thai Conformation 4854
13 BOS Willough's Refreshing Spring Air at VIP Thai Conformation 7088
15 HM Willough's/Rebirth Rum Cider Thai Conformation 7536
8 G1 Witz's Midday Meal Thai Conformation 4854
9 G2 Toretto Noise To The Brain Somali Conformation 54
12 BOB Furetto, That's Enough American Havana Brown Conformation 0
13 BOS Mira's Guerra del Baile American Havana Brown Conformation 2849
15 HM Toretto Packing Light American Havana Brown Conformation 54
12 BOB Sicorn's Africans Winter Sun Bengal Conformation 7536
13 BOS Raina's Café du Lait Bengal Conformation 0
15 HM Raina's Mocha Cream Bengal Conformation 0
15 HM VRK Yellow Diamonds Bombay Conformation 4866
12 BOB Moorbeck's Corbin European Burmese Conformation 0
13 BOS Mirror Blue's False Memory European Burmese Conformation 7420
12 BOB VRK Lost In A Black Fog Egyptian Mau Conformation 4866
13 BOS Mirror Blue's We're Going Wrong Egyptian Mau Conformation 7420
12 BOB Epica Between Good And Evil Nebelung Conformation 5408
13 BOS Epica Storybook Romance Nebelung Conformation 5408
15 HM Abstract Aging Love Nebelung Conformation 5025
12 BOB Ferine Kashyapa Rishis Ocicat Conformation 321
13 BOS Nature Panter jest Panterem Ocicat Conformation 0
12 BOB Roxxy Always Gets Her Way Ojos Azules Conformation 1952
13 BOS Novablue Caused by Chaos Ojos Azules Conformation 6
15 HM Blue Eyes Start Of A New World Ojos Azules Conformation 0
15 HM Blue Eyes Banana Cream Shake Ojos Azules Conformation 5334
12 BOB Toretto Fight Like A Girl Savannah Conformation 54
13 BOS Foxwile Cradlesong Savannah Conformation 182
15 HM Blanco Negro's STAR WARS Savannah Conformation 4059
12 BOB Boheme Red Red Wine Snowshoe Conformation 48
13 BOS Rebirth's Mein Herr Snowshoe Conformation 169
15 HM Rebirth's Cabaret Snowshoe Conformation 169
12 BOB Novablue Curiosity Killed The Cat Burmilla Conformation 6
12 BOB MWC's Talk Your Way Outta This One Tonkinese Conformation 0
13 BOS Pixel Perfect's Crystal Blue Persuasion Tonkinese Conformation 0
15 HM Pixel Perfect's I'm A Believer Tonkinese Conformation 0
8 G1 Roxxy Always Gets Her Way Ojos Azules Conformation 1952
9 G2 Ferine Kashyapa Rishis Ocicat Conformation 321
12 BOB Furetto Red Alert American Wirehair Conformation 0
13 BOS Epica Be My Valentine American Wirehair Conformation 5408
15 HM MWC's Captain Morgan American Wirehair Conformation 0
15 HM Epica Chasing The Dragon American Wirehair Conformation 5408
12 BOB SnS Contentious Disposition Cornish Rex Conformation 0
13 BOS SnS Mainland Voyage Cornish Rex Conformation 0
15 HM Toretto Light Fantastic Cornish Rex Conformation 4854
12 BOB Kaiser's Glacial Stare Devon Rex Conformation 0
13 BOS VRK It Lies In Ruin Devon Rex Conformation 4866
15 HM Boheme Endless Light Devon Rex Conformation 48
12 BOB Witz's Trip and Tumble German Rex Conformation 4854
13 BOS Toretto Dream And Wish German Rex Conformation 54
12 BOB Witz's 1337 King LaPerm Conformation 4854
13 BOS Kulot's Easy Does It at Willough LaPerm Conformation 7536
15 HM VRK Bone Crusher LaPerm Conformation 4866
15 HM Witz's Theory of Crime LaPerm Conformation 4854
12 BOB VRK Banana Pancakes Peterbald Conformation 4866
13 BOS Boheme Elemental Songs Peterbald Conformation 48
15 HM Willough's Pumpkin Pie at Rynnti Peterbald Conformation 7536
15 HM Nrt's Easy breath Kemeron Peterbald Conformation 0
12 BOB Monsoon Driving Intensity Selkirk Rex Conformation 8074
13 BOS Mirror Blue's In Your Deepest Dreams Selkirk Rex Conformation 7420
12 BOB Twin's Indecent Exposure Sphynx Conformation 7339
13 BOS Twin's Take An Inch Go A Mile Sphynx Conformation 7339
15 HM Stumbled's Shots In The Dark Sphynx Conformation 0
8 G1 Twin's Indecent Exposure Sphynx Conformation 7339
9 G2 Witz's 1337 King LaPerm Conformation 4854
12 BOB Raina's Tasty Tyrant Alley Cat Conformation 0
13 BOS AJP's Dust to Dust Alley Cat Conformation 192
12 BOB Mirror Blue's From Unclasped Hands American Bobtail Conformation 7420
13 BOS Epica Smile In Your Sleep American Bobtail Conformation 5408
15 HM Furetto Honor Bright American Bobtail Conformation 0
12 BOB Rebirth's At Nightfall American Curl Conformation 4369
13 BOS Mirror Blue's Pain in the Prodigy American Curl Conformation 7420
15 HM VRK Fell Off The Turnip Truck American Curl Conformation 4866
12 BOB Magic'z Sweet Surrender of VRK Manx Conformation 4866
13 BOS MWC's Mocha Creme' Manx Conformation 0
15 HM Stumbled's Guilty Pleasure For You Manx Conformation 0
12 BOB Twin's Paxton Powerful Japanese Bobtail Conformation 7339
13 BOS Foxwile Ichabod Crane Japanese Bobtail Conformation 182
15 HM Foxwile Trick-or-Treat Japanese Bobtail Conformation 182
12 BOB Darkforest's Maiden of Silk Manx Conformation 7529
13 BOS Foxwile Dust to Dust Manx Conformation 182
15 HM VRK Solid Gold Manx Conformation 4866
12 BOB Bentwillow's Little Echoes Munchkin Conformation 48
13 BOS Epica Blackest Black Munchkin Conformation 5408
15 HM Cats Warriors's Firestar Munchkin Conformation 0
15 HM ECC's Small Blue Thing Orange Shorthair Conformation 0
12 BOB FAB's Longer Afterglow Scottish Fold Conformation 212
13 BOS Rebirth's Northern Downpour Scottish Fold Conformation 4369
15 HM Toretto No Good Reasons Scottish Fold Conformation 54
12 BOB Ess's Quiet Scottish Fold Conformation 0
13 BOS Ess's Duo Fruo Scottish Fold Conformation 0
8 G1 Darkforest's Maiden of Silk Manx Conformation 7529
9 G2 Twin's Paxton Powerful Japanese Bobtail Conformation 7339
12 BOB Boheme Deepest Reverence Birman Conformation 48
13 BOS Ragtime's Echo Far and Wide Birman Conformation 7420
15 HM VRK Small Smiles Birman Conformation 4866
12 BOB Ragtime's Simple and Clear Desert Lynx Conformation 7194
13 BOS Raina's Patience is a Virtue Desert Lynx Conformation 0
15 HM Raina's Cinnamon Twist Desert Lynx Conformation 0
12 BOB Thesauri Special Objective Forms Desert Lynx Conformation 8074
13 BOS Willough's Wildside Desert Lynx Conformation 7536
15 HM Ragtime's Attorneys Who Smiled Honey Bear Conformation 574
12 BOB Rebirth's Uncle Johnny Kurilian Bobtail Conformation 4369
13 BOS I Call The Shots of Stumbled Kurilian Bobtail Conformation 0
15 HM Ragtime's Ain't This the Kind of Weather? Kurilian Bobtail Conformation 7194
12 BOB Princess Of Disaster at Epica Maine Coon Conformation 5408
13 BOS AKI Color Me Crazy Maine Coon Conformation 5124
15 HM Mirror Blue's Lady Lamenting Maine Coon Conformation 7420
15 HM FP/Mirror Blue's Still Fighting It Maine Coon Conformation 7420
15 HM Mirror Blue's Hello Seattle Maine Coon Conformation 7420
12 BOB Ragtime Peace and Serenity at Rynnti Norwegian Forest Cat Conformation 5830
13 BOS Ragtime's Wheels of a Dream Norwegian Forest Cat Conformation 7194
15 HM Rebirth's Byzantium Norwegian Forest Cat Conformation 4369
12 BOB Toretto Western Wildfires RagaMuffin Conformation 54
13 BOS Toretto Perpetual Bliss RagaMuffin Conformation 54
12 BOB SnS To Everything Turn Ragdoll Conformation 0
13 BOS Willough's Lean On Me Ragdoll Conformation 7536
15 HM VRK Don't Mess It Up Ragdoll Conformation 4866
12 BOB Twin's Old and Moony Faced Siberian Conformation 7339
13 BOS Willough's Color by Numbers Siberian Conformation 7536
15 HM Darkforest's Blues Baby Siberian Conformation 7529
12 BOB Witz's Cloud Glider Sokoke Conformation 4854
13 BOS Witz's Princess Resurrected Sokoke Conformation 4854
12 BOB Mira's We'll Go Too Turkish Angora Conformation 2849
13 BOS Mirror Blue's How Ya Like Me Now Turkish Angora Conformation 192
15 HM Abstract With or Without You Turkish Angora Conformation 5025
12 BOB Raider's When we were young... Turkish Van Conformation 0
13 BOS Leaving Paris in Darkness Turkish Van Conformation 0
15 HM FAB's Officially Missing You Turkish Van Conformation 212
9 G2 Ragtime's Attorneys Who Smiled Honey Bear Conformation 574
8 G1 Twin's Old and Moony Faced Siberian Conformation 7339
12 BOB Vulpes I'll Never Say I'll Never Love American Shorthair Conformation 1952
13 BOS SnS Sacrosanct Tomb American Shorthair Conformation 0
15 HM Lunae's Lestat American Shorthair Conformation 7856
15 HM Staffland's Elite Petite American Shorthair Conformation 7794
12 BOB ECC's One Times One Times One Black and White Shorthair Conformation 0
13 BOS Stumbled's Problem Child Black and White Shorthair Conformation 0
15 HM KK's Unadulterated Cat Black and White Shorthair Conformation 5647
12 BOB Goya's Ghost of Mirror Blue British Longhair Conformation 7420
13 BOS TRK's Murky Waters British Longhair Conformation 450
15 HM Mirror Blue's Serious Business British Longhair Conformation 7420
15 HM The Dusty Trail of Tea Rose British Longhair Conformation 450
12 BOB Rebel's Jedna Jedyna at Showtime British Shorthair Conformation 7926
13 BOS Boheme Reasoned Foresight British Shorthair Conformation 48
15 HM Rebirth's Deathly Hallows British Shorthair Conformation 1952
12 BOB Witz's Seasonal Song Calico Conformation 4854
13 BOS ECC's Everyone's a Hero Calico Conformation 0
15 HM Witz's Aquatic Surprise Calico Conformation 4854
12 BOB Toretto Squish Then Release Chartreux Conformation 54
13 BOS Stumbled's Poor Scheme for Survival Chartreux Conformation 0
12 BOB Blanco Negro's POSPOLITE PIEKNO European Shorthair Conformation 4059
13 BOS ECC's Monarch of the Glen European Shorthair Conformation 0
15 HM SnS Flick And Swagger European Shorthair Conformation 0
12 BOB Mirror Blue's Folie à Deux Exotic Conformation 7420
13 BOS ECC's Following My Own Footsteps Exotic Conformation 0
15 HM Mirror Blue's Off the Deep End Exotic Conformation 7420
12 BOB Novablue's I Love You Shawn Persian Conformation 40
13 BOS Rebirth's Golden Boy of Furetto Persian Conformation 0
15 HM Vulpes Check Yes or No Persian Conformation 1952
15 HM Rebirth's Brightly Burning Persian Conformation 5830
15 HM Stumbled's Bad Movie Persian Conformation 0
12 BOB Mirror Blue's Down to This Tabby Conformation 7420
13 BOS VRK Decorative Castles Tabby Conformation 4866
15 HM Witz's God of Men Tabby Conformation 4854
8 G1 Goya's Ghost of Mirror Blue British Longhair Conformation 7420
9 G2 Toretto Squish Then Release Chartreux Conformation 54
1 BIS Goya's Ghost of Mirror Blue British Longhair Conformation 7420
2 BW Roxxy Always Gets Her Way Ojos Azules Conformation 1952
3 RW Twin's Old and Moony Faced Siberian Conformation 7339
4 W1 Witz's Midday Meal Thai Conformation 4854
5 W2 Twin's Indecent Exposure Sphynx Conformation 7339
6 W3 Darkforest's Maiden of Silk Manx Conformation 7529
12 BOB VRK/BCK Mike n' Ike American Cocker Spaniel Conformation 4866
13 BOS FLUFF's Kora Evening Star American Cocker Spaniel Conformation 7920
15 HM SSOK Lunatic Thoughts of Bliss American Cocker Spaniel Conformation 9889
12 BOB Moorbeck Sinbad Sailor American Cocker Spaniel Conformation 259
13 BOS JD's Trying Your Best American Cocker Spaniel Conformation 28
12 BOB BeachWood Just Another Stranger American Cocker Spaniel Conformation 7962
13 BOS BeachWood Pink Panther American Cocker Spaniel Conformation 169
15 HM Birdy's You Can Have It All American Cocker Spaniel Conformation 0
12 BOB FAB's Dear Broken-Hearted American Water Spaniel Conformation 212
13 BOS Moorbeck Red Sky at Night American Water Spaniel Conformation 36
12 BOB Clover's Caribbean Dream Blue Picardy Spaniel Conformation 7420
13 BOS Mirror Blue's Still Take You Home Blue Picardy Spaniel Conformation 7420
15 HM Jarvi Black Gold Blue Picardy Spaniel Conformation 0
12 BOB Lua Azul Elegant Cream Bracco Italiano Conformation 76
13 BOS Toretto Blatant Disregard of Hunch Bracco Italiano Conformation 54
15 HM Hunch Straight Nightmares Bracco Italiano Conformation 54
15 HM Rynnti Stealing the Spotlight Braque du Bourbonnais Conformation 5830
12 BOB Peridot No Smoke Without Fire Brittany Conformation 5025
13 BOS Lua Azul Matchmaker at JD Brittany Conformation 28
15 HM Moorbeck's Red Devil Brittany Conformation 7149
12 BOB Koufuku Beautiful Nightmare Chesapeake Bay Retriever Conformation 5025
13 BOS Jarvi Moroccan Sand Chesapeake Bay Retriever Conformation 0
15 HM Boheme Beyond the Dreamscapes Chesapeake Bay Retriever Conformation 48
15 HM Singer Sea Horse Chesapeake Bay Retriever Conformation 219
12 BOB Lotus' First in the Field Clumber Spaniel Conformation 9859
13 BOS Koufuku Wonderous Fairytail Clumber Spaniel Conformation 5025
15 HM Zanias' The Family Stone Clumber Spaniel Conformation 7623
16 PICK Malz The Lady of Shalott Curly Coated Retriever Conformation 45
12 BOB Jarvi One For My Baby English Cocker Spaniel Conformation 0
13 BOS Fango's Moving On Up by Anecky English Cocker Spaniel Conformation 259
15 HM DJK's A Helping Hand English Cocker Spaniel Conformation 192
15 HM Jarvi's Next Strike English Pointer Conformation 0
12 BOB Zanias' Susie Q English Setter Conformation 0
13 BOS Scylding's Alabama Leprechaun English Setter Conformation 219
12 BOB Koufuku Who What Where When English Springer Spaniel Conformation 5025
13 BOS Atomheart Always In Chains English Springer Spaniel Conformation 2849
15 HM Barón Leal de Aragón English Springer Spaniel Conformation 7985
12 BOB Providence Nevermore Field Spaniel Conformation 169
13 BOS Moorbeck Always Remember Field Spaniel Conformation 259
15 HM Boheme Sinister Sleep Field Spaniel Conformation 48
15 HM Toretto Break The Mold Flat Coated Retriever Conformation 54
16 PICK Pembrooks Time And Space German Longhaired Pointer Conformation 7536
12 BOB Gauntlets' Best Chance German Shorthaired Pointer Conformation 65
13 BOS DJK's Every Thing You Know German Shorthaired Pointer Conformation 192
12 BOB Atomheart Down The Shoreline German Wachtelhund Conformation 2849
13 BOS Atomheart Perfect Away German Wachtelhund Conformation 2849
15 HM Pembrooks Hollywood Nights German Wirehaired Pointer Conformation 169
12 BOB Let's Get Dangerous at Vulpes Golden Retriever Conformation 1952
13 BOS Birdy's Never Forget Me Golden Retriever Conformation 0
15 HM Birdy's Into The River Golden Retriever Conformation 0
16 PICK BBK's Star Fighter Gordon Setter Conformation 1246
12 BOB Firewater Grand Marnier Hungarian Shorthaired Vizsla Conformation 48
12 BOB Quorra's Crown Russe Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla Conformation 48
13 BOS Lua Azul Yeehaa Leehaa Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla Conformation 76
12 BOB Shadowfox It Takes Two Irish Red and White Setter Conformation 5795
13 BOS Shadowfox The Longest Journey Irish Red and White Setter Conformation 5795
12 BOB Syben's/Pembrooks On My Way Irish Setter Conformation 0
16 PICK Haunted's Back Home In Derry Irish Water Spaniel Conformation 7708
12 BOB Koufuku No Love Song Kooikerhondje Conformation 5025
13 BOS DeeOhGee's Tears in the Rain at Koufuku Kooikerhondje Conformation 5025
12 BOB Vento de Espero's Cocoa Butter Korthals Griffon Conformation 2366
13 BOS Pembrooks Titled Perspective Korthals Griffon Conformation 7536
15 HM Toretto Sting Of The Rain Korthals Griffon Conformation 54
12 BOB MVK's Last of the Amazons Labrador Retriever Conformation 7713
13 BOS NAC's Golden Gunner Labrador Retriever Conformation 450
15 HM SWSK's Breathless Beauty Labrador Retriever Conformation 212
15 HM Jarvi Daytime Dreamer Labrador Retriever Conformation 0
15 HM DJK's Challenge Is My Speciality Large Munsterlander Conformation 192
12 BOB Feainewedd's STEP UP Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Conformation 5808
13 BOS SUPER PREMIUM of Aqueneum Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Conformation 5808
15 HM Aqueneum RED REVOLUTION Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Conformation 5808
15 HM Evanescence Call Me When You're Sober Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Conformation 5408
12 BOB Blue Diamond's Estelle Portuguese Pointer Conformation 259
13 BOS Rynnti Hocus Pocus Portuguese Pointer Conformation 5830
12 BOB DJK's Stepped In Mud Slovakian Wirehaired Pointer Conformation 192
13 BOS Toretto Where The Sun Sets Slovakian Wirehaired Pointer Conformation 54
16 PICK Sun Shy's Learnt Lesson Small Munsterlander Conformation 0
16 PICK Mirror Blue's There Is a Purpose Spinone Italiano Conformation 7420
12 BOB Toretto Stop Me Cold Sussex Spaniel Conformation 54
13 BOS Samhradh/Vulpes Moulin Rouge Sussex Spaniel Conformation 169
15 HM Samhradh's Generosity Is Best Sussex Spaniel Conformation 192
12 BOB KIO's Opera diva Ristika Weimaraner Conformation 7268
13 BOS FireRidge's Against the Grain Weimaraner Conformation 74
16 PICK Oakley's Up In Flames Welsh Springer Spaniel Conformation 36
12 BOB Lotus' Lost in the Dream Wetterhoun Conformation 7420
13 BOS Witz's Frightful Flight Wetterhoun Conformation 4854
8 G1 Providence Nevermore Field Spaniel Conformation 169
9 G2 Koufuku Who What Where When English Springer Spaniel Conformation 5025
10 G3 Lotus' Lost in the Dream Wetterhoun Conformation 7420
11 G4 Peridot No Smoke Without Fire Brittany Conformation 5025
12 BOB Pembrooks Black Or White Afghan Hound Conformation 7536
13 BOS Cato's Raincoats and Pretty Charms Afghan Hound Conformation 18
15 HM Cato's Stork and Owl Afghan Hound Conformation 18
15 HM FireRidge's Modern Life American Foxhound Conformation 74
16 PICK Burbeck Poetry In Flesh Azawakh Conformation 2849
12 BOB Mutsvaki Razorblade Basenji Conformation 65
13 BOS Lakeshore's Prosperous Flower Basenji Conformation 80
15 HM Mutsvaki Lady In Waiting Basenji Conformation 65
13 BOS Boheme Ready for Valor at Samhradh Basset Hound Conformation 48
12 BOB Kuja/Rustica's Dreaming Impossible Dreams Basset Hound Conformation 18
15 HM Toretto Make It Count Basset Hound Conformation 54
12 BOB Providence Concrete Angel Beagle Conformation 0
13 BOS Mischief Release the Hounds Beagle Conformation 303
15 HM Mischief Kiss With a Fist Beagle Conformation 303
15 HM Koufuku No Excuse Beagle Conformation 4238
12 BOB Vento de Espero's Part of Me Black and Tan Coonhound Conformation 2366
13 BOS FireRidge's Void of Feeling Black and Tan Coonhound Conformation 74
12 BOB Burbeck Globbery-Goo Bloodhound Conformation 2849
13 BOS DJK's Hot On Your Trail Bloodhound Conformation 192
12 BOB Rebel Stay With Me Rosyjska Elita Borzoi Conformation 6941
13 BOS Providence Sweet Sound Borzoi Conformation 0
15 HM Falling's Spring Awakening Borzoi Conformation 8063
12 BOB Vulpes Be-Boppin! Chart Polski Conformation 1952
13 BOS Aldemoor's Flittling Denou Chart Polski Conformation 7130
12 BOB Energy's Tragedy of Goodbye Cirneco dellEtna Conformation 212
13 BOS Mirror Blue's The Cutting Edge Cirneco dellEtna Conformation 7420
12 BOB Stationery's Monster Movie Deerhound Conformation 7583
13 BOS Boheme Temporary Tune Deerhound Conformation 48
15 HM Mirror Blue's Four Until Late Drever Conformation 7420
16 PICK Shadowfox Danger Ranger Rick Dunker Conformation 5795
15 HM Hapa Ali'i's Busting In English Foxhound Conformation 7088
12 BOB Fanfarlo Thoroughbred of Sin Galgo Espanol Conformation 5830
13 BOS Redwall's When in Rome Galgo Espanol Conformation 133
15 HM Fanfarlo Evil League of Evil Galgo Espanol Conformation 5830
16 PICK BTR's Me and the Devil Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen Conformation 0
15 HM Solitude's Jeorgia Peach at Pembrook Greyhound Conformation 7536
16 PICK UMZ/Sunhill's Priceless Treasure Hamiltonstovare Conformation 143
12 BOB Toretto Memories Come Back Ibizan Hound Conformation 54
13 BOS Pembrooks Mind Your Own Beez Ibizan Hound Conformation 7536
15 HM Aldemoor's The Diseased One Ibizan Hound Conformation 7130
12 BOB Energy's Blindness is Relative Irish Wolfhound Conformation 212
13 BOS Tipperary Fallen are the Stars Irish Wolfhound Conformation 48
15 HM Stationery's Pandemonium Irish Wolfhound Conformation 7583
12 BOB Jinja's Wut? Karelian Bear Dog Conformation 219
13 BOS Jinja's Argonaut Karelian Bear Dog Conformation 219
12 BOB Living The Lonely Life at VRK Miniature Dachshund Conformation 4866
13 BOS Sancho de la Mancha Miniature Dachshund Conformation 7985
16 PICK Lakeshore's War Cry Norrbottenspets Conformation 5647
16 PICK See How She Shines at VRK Norwegian Elkhound Conformation 4866
12 BOB Koufuku Matter of Time Otterhound Conformation 28
13 BOS Koufuku Wheel of Fortune Otterhound Conformation 5025
16 PICK Koufuku Bad Reputation Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Conformation 5025
12 BOB Aludor Bagrahanum Pharaoh Hound Conformation 5795
13 BOS Aludor Desperado Pharaoh Hound Conformation 8474
15 HM Aludor Tiramisu Pharaoh Hound Conformation 7097
16 PICK BBK's Dance Party Plott Conformation 1246
12 BOB Cato's Re-Offender Portuguese Podengo Conformation 18
13 BOS Mirror Blue's Laced With Brilliant Smiles Portuguese Podengo Conformation 7420
12 BOB Brave Heart And Valiant Spirit at VRK Rabbit Dachshund Conformation 4866
15 HM NAC's Warms Your Toes Rabbit Dachshund Conformation 450
15 HM TRK's Where's the Cook Rabbit Dachshund Conformation 450
12 BOB RSW's Flowering Crown Redbone Coonhound Conformation 143
13 BOS RSW's Son Of Mirth Redbone Coonhound Conformation 143
15 HM Kamea Party All Night Long at Rynnti Saluki Conformation 5830
12 BOB JD's Beloved Standard Dachshund Conformation 28
13 BOS JD's Musical Interest Standard Dachshund Conformation 28
12 BOB Hapa Ali'i's Getting Started Standard Dachshund Conformation 7088
13 BOS Twin's Noir Majestic Standard Dachshund Conformation 7339
15 HM DJK's Time's A Wastin Miniature Dachshund Conformation 192
12 BOB Toretto Same Old Lines Standard Dachshund Conformation 54
13 BOS Toretto Maybe Later Standard Dachshund Conformation 52
16 PICK Final Exam at Sun Shy Thai Ridgeback Dog Conformation 0
12 BOB Snow in Monterrey de Aragón West Siberian Laika Conformation 7985
13 BOS Costo's Adventure de Aragón West Siberian Laika Conformation 7985
12 BOB JD's Solitaire Whippet Conformation 28
13 BOS Providence Southern Exposure Whippet Conformation 0
15 HM Horka's DARK SIDE OF THE FORCE Whippet Conformation 4059
11 G4 Solitude's Jeorgia Peach at Pembrook Greyhound Conformation 7536
8 G1 Jinja's Wut? Karelian Bear Dog Conformation 219
9 G2 Stationery's Monster Movie Deerhound Conformation 7583
10 G3 Pembrooks Black Or White Afghan Hound Conformation 7536
12 BOB Toretto Shape To Mold Australian Cattle Dog Conformation 54
13 BOS Toretto Catch The Stare Australian Cattle Dog Conformation 54
15 HM Toretto Southern Voice Australian Cattle Dog Conformation 54
12 BOB RSW's Shade In Human Form Of ABJM Australian Kelpie Conformation 143
13 BOS Mirror Blue's Every Inch of Me Australian Kelpie Conformation 7420
15 HM Boheme Casual Tears Australian Kelpie Conformation 7926
12 BOB Toretto Look to the Future Australian Shepherd Conformation 259
13 BOS Alkiri Take a Chance on Me Australian Shepherd Conformation 5025
15 HM Courtney'z Langzame Motie Australian Shepherd Conformation 0
15 HM Alkiri Freeze Frame Australian Shepherd Conformation 5025
12 BOB MVK's Defying Gravity Azores Cattle Dog Conformation 7713
13 BOS Kamvis' Pedro do Guilhim de Puerto Negro Azores Cattle Dog Conformation 2366
12 BOB Troupeau Paint on the Wall Bearded Collie Conformation 5830
13 BOS Surion's Don't Cry For Me Bearded Collie Conformation 0
12 BOB Williwaw's Maddening Creativity Belgian Shepherd Conformation 7036
13 BOS Aye Aye's Stay In Touch Belgian Shepherd Conformation 7926
12 BOB Aye Aye's Battle Dust Belgian Shepherd Conformation 7926
13 BOS Alkiri Falling Out of Love Belgian Shepherd Conformation 5025
12 BOB Aye Aye's Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum Belgian Shepherd Conformation 7926
13 BOS Alkiri Lost in Translation Belgian Shepherd Conformation 5025
15 HM Toretto Picking Up The Pieces Bergamasco Conformation 54
12 BOB DH's The Shadow Border Collie Conformation 7962
15 HM MexiCan's Querida Maria Border Collie Conformation 7985
15 HM Providence Whatever Will Be Will Be Border Collie Conformation 0
15 HM Boheme Second Thoughts of FireRidge Border Collie Conformation 48
15 HM Chevrier' Goodbye My Almost Lover Border Collie Conformation 7926
16 PICK ZILAB's exit light Bouvier des Ardennes Conformation 0
12 BOB Kuja's The Good Little Soldier Bouvier des Flandres Conformation 18
13 BOS Cuden Piece Of Success Bouvier des Flandres Conformation 7060
12 BOB Toretto Breaking My Heart Briard Conformation 54
13 BOS Blue Rowan of Lua Azul Briard Conformation 76
12 BOB More To Life of Ci Llathair Cardigan Welsh Corgi Conformation 65
13 BOS Zanias' Odd Couple Cardigan Welsh Corgi Conformation 7623
15 HM Cloudship's Pretty Little City Girl Cardigan Welsh Corgi Conformation 2849
12 BOB Lua Azul Ladyhawke Catahoula Leopard Dog Conformation 76
13 BOS Shadowfox Racing Stripes Catahoula Leopard Dog Conformation 5795
15 HM Shadowfox A Voice In My Head Catahoula Leopard Dog Conformation 5795
16 PICK RSW's Third Duke Of Crydee Catalan Sheepdog Conformation 143
16 PICK Toretto Had Your Chances of Rynnti Croatian Sheepdog Conformation 54
12 BOB Mirror Blue's Somehow That Is Wisdom Czechoslovakian Wolfdog Conformation 192
13 BOS Mirror Blue's Wail Through the Willows Czechoslovakian Wolfdog Conformation 7420
16 PICK SWSK's Ready Steady Go Dutch Shepherd Dog Conformation 7926
12 BOB SA Very Lucky Hand English Shepherd Conformation 0
13 BOS Kutie's Dainty Darling of Rustica English Shepherd Conformation 52
15 HM Kutie's The Last Country Song Estrela Mountain Dog Conformation 52
16 PICK DJK's At Your Heels Finnish Lapphund Conformation 192
12 BOB Ravenskeep More Than Rain German Shepherd Dog Conformation 5408
13 BOS Boheme Touch of Romance German Shepherd Dog Conformation 76
15 HM Olire Stays Flawless German Shepherd Dog Conformation 0
15 HM KIO' Star burning in darkness German Shepherd Dog Conformation 7268
15 HM DJK's Lost City German Shepherd Dog Conformation 192
15 HM Warmen Sie Empfang von DragonStone German Shepherd Dog Conformation 5025
12 BOB Alkiri Up All Night Icelandic Sheepdog Conformation 5025
15 HM Haunted's Helter Skelter Lancashire Heeler Conformation 7708
12 BOB Boheme Veil of Stars Lapponian Herder Conformation 48
13 BOS Boheme Gone Too Far Lapponian Herder Conformation 48
16 PICK DeeOhGee's Safe As Can Be Maremma Sheepdog Conformation 192
12 BOB Slatewood's Early Nights at Casilesce Mudi Conformation 7420
13 BOS COTFA Amilin Akzcess Mudi Conformation 7060
15 HM Clover's Angel's Lullaby Mudi Conformation 832
15 HM Gunhill/DJK's Better Watch Out Norwegian Buhund Conformation 192
12 BOB Kuja's Inferno at Troupeau Old English Sheepdog Conformation 5830
13 BOS Kuja's Practical Response to Good Fortune Old English Sheepdog Conformation 18
15 HM Courtney'z Smokey Mountain High Old English Sheepdog Conformation 2610
12 BOB VRK Call Of The Midnight Hero Polish Lowland Sheepdog Conformation 4866
13 BOS VRK Midnight Call Polish Lowland Sheepdog Conformation 4866
15 HM BBK's Tale as Old as Time Puli Conformation 1246
12 BOB RSW/DJK's Maxamillian Pumi Conformation 192
13 BOS DJK's Listening To You Pumi Conformation 192
12 BOB Wisdom'z She's Adorable Rough Collie Conformation 832
15 HM SnS Dearth of Diavlo Saarloos Wolfhond Conformation 0
12 BOB Troupeau Of Mice And Men Schapendoes Conformation 5830
13 BOS Troupeau Man of the Moment Schapendoes Conformation 5830
12 BOB Reigai A NEW HERO Shetland Sheepdog Conformation 4059
13 BOS Mirror Blue's Sweet Days of Youth Shetland Sheepdog Conformation 7420
12 BOB Rebel's Raikkonen at Blackmoore Smooth Collie Conformation 7926
13 BOS Lotus' Let's Wash Away Smooth Collie Conformation 18
12 BOB Vättlefjälls Kämparglöd Swedish Lapphund Conformation 6
15 HM J.M.'s Galaktika Swedish Vallhund Conformation 0
12 BOB Guardian's Schneeungeheuer White Shepherd Conformation 2366
13 BOS Beschutzer's Buchholz in Der Nordheide White Shepherd Conformation 7536
8 G1 Ravenskeep More Than Rain German Shepherd Dog Conformation 5408
9 G2 VRK Call Of The Midnight Hero Polish Lowland Sheepdog Conformation 4866
10 G3 Aye Aye's Battle Dust Belgian Shepherd Conformation 7926
11 G4 Toretto Look to the Future Australian Shepherd Conformation 259
12 BOB Boheme Tragic Beauty Airedale Terrier Conformation 48
13 BOS Precious Dogs's Kiss Sapphira Airedale Terrier Conformation 0
12 BOB Toretto In Hindsight American Hairless Terrier Conformation 54
13 BOS Joy Little Princess American Hairless Terrier Conformation 450
12 BOB Toretto Second Gear American Hairless Terrier Conformation 54
13 BOS FireRidge's Jumping Jacks American Hairless Terrier Conformation 74
12 BOB Dragonstone Words of Wisdom American Staffordshire Terrier Conformation 5025
13 BOS Jarvi Down The Hatch American Staffordshire Terrier Conformation 0
15 HM Vulpes Back Alley Deal American Staffordshire Terrier Conformation 1952
15 HM Pembrook's Thriller American Staffordshire Terrier Conformation 7536
16 PICK Shadowfox Early Morning Australian Terrier Conformation 5795
12 BOB Energy's Pink Frosting Bedlington Terrier Conformation 212
13 BOS Providence Milo & Otis Bedlington Terrier Conformation 0
15 HM Providence Not Gonna Get Us Bedlington Terrier Conformation 0
12 BOB Malz Irish Spring Border Terrier Conformation 1952
13 BOS DJK's That's Not A Flower Border Terrier Conformation 192
16 PICK Haunted's Speed Of Sound Brazilian Terrier Conformation 7708
12 BOB Kamvis' On the Dark Side Bull Terrier Conformation 7124
13 BOS Kamvis' Golden Heart Bull Terrier Conformation 7124
16 PICK Clover's Angel's Heart Cairn Terrier Conformation 4238
12 BOB Toretto Just One Time Cesky Terrier Conformation 54
13 BOS Toretto Colorblind Cesky Terrier Conformation 54
16 PICK Rivas The One To Succeed Glen of Imaal Terrier Conformation 36
12 BOB Sheehan Fenway Fan Irish Terrier Conformation 169
13 BOS Tipperary Castle and Crown Irish Terrier Conformation 169
12 BOB Novablue Lost In A Dream Jack Russell Terrier Conformation 6
13 BOS Novablue Who's A Pretty Boy Jack Russell Terrier Conformation 6
15 HM Witz's Queen of Delusion Japanese Terrier Conformation 4854
12 BOB Tipperary Dancing Violet Dreams Kerry Blue Terrier Conformation 48
13 BOS Mirror Blue's King of Carrot Flowers Kerry Blue Terrier Conformation 7420
12 BOB Malz In Concert Lakeland Terrier Conformation 45
13 BOS Malz Call Call Lakeland Terrier Conformation 45
15 HM Boheme Flames of Ash Lakeland Terrier Conformation 48
12 BOB Jinja's Halloween Horror Manchester Terrier Conformation 219
13 BOS Winterguard's Before Your Eyes Manchester Terrier Conformation 7036
12 BOB Tapfur's Word from the Bird Miniature Bull Terrier Conformation 8733
13 BOS FireRidge's Spanish Dancer Miniature Bull Terrier Conformation 74
15 HM Tapfur's Cruisin' For a Bruisin' Miniature Bull Terrier Conformation 303
12 BOB Gen/Lotus' Twin Cinema Miniature Schnauzer Conformation 18
13 BOS Left Behind's Forgiven Starlight Miniature Schnauzer Conformation 36
15 HM Lotus' Yet Another Wrong Guess Miniature Schnauzer Conformation 18
12 BOB DJK's Always Another Way Norfolk Terrier Conformation 192
13 BOS Lotus' Fatal Shore Norfolk Terrier Conformation 18
15 HM Haunted's Girl Next Door Norwich Terrier Conformation 7708
12 BOB Bondita Little Mischief Parson Russell Terrier Conformation 259
15 HM Malz I See Horses Now Patterdale Terrier Conformation 45
12 BOB Boheme Invoke the Dragon Rat Terrier Conformation 48
13 BOS Raunchy I Still Love You Rat Terrier Conformation 65
15 HM Raunchy Believe in Me Rat Terrier Conformation 65
12 BOB Pl's Cherry love Scottish Terrier Conformation 7436
13 BOS NYNK's Kick Start Scottish Terrier Conformation 5647
12 BOB Lotus' All Safe and Sound Sealyham Terrier Conformation 18
13 BOS Toretto Among The Stars Sealyham Terrier Conformation 36
12 BOB VRK Beautiful Skye Skye Terrier Conformation 4866
13 BOS Mirror Blue's Take the High Road Skye Terrier Conformation 7420
15 HM TopFox The Next Generation Smooth Fox Terrier Conformation 36
12 BOB Paili's Berry Kix Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Conformation 0
13 BOS Witz's Standard Shock Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Conformation 4854
12 BOB DragonStone Fighting a Losing Battle Staffordshire Bull Terrier Conformation 5025
13 BOS DragonStone Picture Perfect Staffordshire Bull Terrier Conformation 5025
15 HM DragonStone Waiting Game Staffordshire Bull Terrier Conformation 5025
16 PICK Toretto Felony Stupidity Teddy Roosevelt Terrier Conformation 54
16 PICK TopFox Simply Terrific Wire Fox Terrier Conformation 36
8 G1 Bondita Little Mischief Parson Russell Terrier Conformation 259
9 G2 Tapfur's Word from the Bird Miniature Bull Terrier Conformation 8733
10 G3 Witz's Queen of Delusion Japanese Terrier Conformation 4854
11 G4 Tipperary Dancing Violet Dreams Kerry Blue Terrier Conformation 48
12 BOB Cloonlara/Jinja Naughty Natalie Affenpinscher Conformation 74
13 BOS FireRidge's Holiday Spirit Affenpinscher Conformation 74
15 HM SSOK Turn The Page Alaskan Klee Kai Conformation 7744
16 PICK DJK's Tiny Disguise Australian Silky Terrier Conformation 192
16 PICK Haunted's Pencey Prep Bichon Frise Conformation 7708
16 PICK Novablue Just Beneath the Surface Bolognese Conformation 6
12 BOB Alter Ego's Provocative And Talkative Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Conformation 0
13 BOS Stationery's Missing Edition Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Conformation 7583
12 BOB MayFlower Rozie grown under the sun Chihuahua Conformation 7290
12 BOB Providence Going Under Chihuahua Conformation 0
13 BOS Bern's Mały, wielki Flip Chihuahua Conformation 7296
15 HM KGMK Yap Star Chihuahua Conformation 4319
12 BOB Koufuku Live and Let Die Chinese Crested Conformation 5025
13 BOS Koufuku Tomorrow Never Dies Chinese Crested Conformation 5025
15 HM AJT's Pink Panther de la Mancha Chinese Crested Conformation 7985
15 HM Blue Diamond's Snowflake Coton de Tulear Conformation 259
12 BOB Moorbeck Queen Victoria King Charles Spaniel Conformation 259
13 BOS Stationery's Broken Crown King Charles Spaniel Conformation 7583
16 PICK Windswepts Tutti Frutti Griffon Conformation 7536
12 BOB Novablue November Rain Havanese Conformation 6
13 BOS NB Ceasefire Disappearance of Kutie Havanese Conformation 54
15 HM Wildfyre's All Terrain Italian Greyhound Conformation 74
16 PICK Sachiryu's Ruler of the Sky Japanese Chin Conformation 133
15 HM Koufuku Buried Treasure Lowchen Conformation 5025
12 BOB Blue Means Azul de Aragón Miniature Pinscher Conformation 7985
13 BOS Koufuku Bed of Roses Miniature Pinscher Conformation 5025
15 HM MayFlower It's my Chance! Miniature Pinscher Conformation 7290
12 BOB Toretto Milk Chocolate Papillon Conformation 54
13 BOS VRK Miracle Save Papillon Conformation 4866
15 HM Stationery's Porcelain Doll Pekingese Conformation 7583
12 BOB Pixel Perfect's Bismark Pomeranian Conformation 0
13 BOS Pembrook's Patience Pomeranian Conformation 7536
15 HM MayFlower Day-and-Night Pomeranian Conformation 0
15 HM Foksia Lionks Pomeranian Conformation 0
15 HM Afterglow Best Of Both Worlds Pomeranian Conformation 6102
15 HM Vulpes British Society Pomeranian Conformation 1952
15 HM Energy's String of Fate Pug Conformation 212
15 HM Haunted's Thousand Fireflies Russian Toy Conformation 7708
16 PICK DJK's Try Me Shih Tzu Conformation 192
12 BOB Tito Pay de Aragón Toy Fox Terrier Conformation 7985
13 BOS Boheme Burning Illusion Toy Fox Terrier Conformation 48
16 PICK DeeOhGee's Spoonfull Of Sugar Volpino Italiano Conformation 7536
15 HM Cargo's Royal Legacy Yorkshire Terrier Conformation 76
8 G1 Pixel Perfect's Bismark Pomeranian Conformation 0
9 G2 MayFlower Rozie grown under the sun Chihuahua Conformation 7290
10 G3 Stationery's Porcelain Doll Pekingese Conformation 7583
11 G4 Blue Means Azul de Aragón Miniature Pinscher Conformation 7985
12 BOB Kuja's Fire Hazard American Akita Conformation 423
13 BOS Kuja/Rustica's I Declare A Ceasefire American Akita Conformation 18
15 HM Hirundo No Kiss And Tell American Akita Conformation 7536
16 PICK DJK's Walk Talk Like An Egyption American Eskimo Conformation 192
12 BOB FireRidge's On Conquest Boston Terrier Conformation 74
13 BOS FireRidge's Hot Air Balloon Boston Terrier Conformation 74
12 BOB Toretto Crime Walk Chow Chow Conformation 54
13 BOS Williwaw's They Say Listen, Listen Chow Chow Conformation 7036
12 BOB Zanias' Rocket Queen Dalmatian Conformation 7623
13 BOS Shadowfox's Jedi Knight Dalmatian Conformation 5795
15 HM Silicon Jazzy Appeal Dalmatian Conformation 2849
15 HM Witz's Attempt to Mingle Dalmatian Conformation 4854
15 HM Boheme Speaking of Angels Dalmatian Conformation 48
12 BOB QS Fast Lion English Bulldog Conformation 7541
13 BOS BTR's Eve of Destruction English Bulldog Conformation 4238
15 HM Pembrook's Secret Past English Bulldog Conformation 7536
15 HM Boheme Silver Slipper French Bulldog Conformation 48
16 PICK Dea Canis' Alex spod błękitnej gwiazdy German Spitz Conformation 0
16 PICK Kutie's Finding A Name Hokkaido Conformation 52
16 PICK KIO's Infinity Japanese Akita Conformation 7268
12 BOB Spring Birth Of Indira Kai Conformation 143
13 BOS Rynnti KAORI-CHAN at Kamvis Kai Conformation 2366
12 BOB Lycanese Nightmare de Aragón Keeshond Conformation 7985
13 BOS Ivory Man de Aragón Keeshond Conformation 7985
15 HM Toretto Standing On The Edge Lagotto Romagnolo Conformation 54
16 PICK Haunted's Kissin' Dynamite Lhasa Apso Conformation 7708
12 BOB Cato's Sheer Simplicity Miniature Poodle Conformation 18
12 BOB Fango's Dream Catcher Mutt Conformation 192
13 BOS Fango Free on the Road Mutt Conformation 6
15 HM Fango How About A Smoke Mutt Conformation 4548
15 HM Pixel Perfect's Fall Desire Mutt Conformation 54
12 BOB Feral's Send The Critics To Hell Peruvian Hairless Dog Conformation 4866
13 BOS Feral's Crows Are Coming For Us Peruvian Hairless Dog Conformation 4866
16 PICK VRK Adelia's Wish Schipperke Conformation 4866
12 BOB Singer Clockwork Orange Shar Pei Conformation 219
13 BOS Singer Chinese Zodiac Shar Pei Conformation 219
12 BOB Koufuku Across the Nightingale Floor Shiba Inu Conformation 5025
13 BOS Wynsor's Sweet Success Shiba Inu Conformation 65
15 HM Wynsor's Master In Disguise Shiba Inu Conformation 65
16 PICK Rubicon's Rolltide Shikoku Conformation 219
12 BOB Foxwile The Amazing Spiderman Standard Poodle Conformation 182
13 BOS JD's Christmas Carol Standard Poodle Conformation 28
15 HM Cato/PRK Sun Spots Standard Poodle Conformation 18
15 HM The Chad of JD Standard Poodle Conformation 28
12 BOB Sabon Lexington Express Tibetan Spaniel Conformation 732
13 BOS Zanias Little Big Man Tibetan Spaniel Conformation 7623
12 BOB VRK Beauty In The Darkness Tibetan Terrier Conformation 4866
13 BOS Toretto Small Town Kid Tibetan Terrier Conformation 54
15 HM Cato's From Whisper to Icy Howl Tibetan Terrier Conformation 18
12 BOB GDK's The Shooter Toy Poodle Conformation 40
13 BOS Haunted's Retro Glamour Hollywood Toy Poodle Conformation 7708
12 BOB Rynnti Wine, Madness, and Ecstasy Xoloitzquintle Conformation 5830
13 BOS Mirror Blue's The Specter of My Mind Xoloitzquintle Conformation 7420
15 HM Rynnti Pray to the Winds Xoloitzquintle Conformation 5830
8 G1 Cato's Sheer Simplicity Miniature Poodle Conformation 18
9 G2 GDK's The Shooter Toy Poodle Conformation 40
10 G3 Koufuku Across the Nightingale Floor Shiba Inu Conformation 5025
11 G4 Spring Birth Of Indira Kai Conformation 143
12 BOB Witz's Lingering Attraction Aidi Conformation 4854
13 BOS Witz's Necessary Pain Aidi Conformation 4854
12 BOB Roxxy's Shanghaied Swing Dog Alaskan Malamute Conformation 1952
15 HM Roxxy's Desna Kaskae Alaskan Malamute Conformation 1952
13 BOS Cargo/Kuja Tsimshian Orca Alaskan Malamute Conformation 169
12 BOB Pembrook's Tiny Tawney of VIP American Bulldog Conformation 7088
13 BOS VIP's Break My Will American Bulldog Conformation 7088
16 PICK QS Argile Design Anatolian Shepherd Dog Conformation 7541
12 BOB Koufuku Dreams Over Appenzell Mountain Dog Conformation 5025
13 BOS BTR's The Little Winds Appenzell Mountain Dog Conformation 0
16 PICK RSW's Pearl In Waiting Austrian Pinscher Conformation 143
12 BOB Kuja's Return to Cookie Mountain Bernese Mountain Dog Conformation 169
13 BOS Marvellous Still Not Touched Bernese Mountain Dog Conformation 0
12 BOB Cyzar Russia on ice Black Russian Terrier Conformation 6913
13 BOS Cyzar Maximum Overdrive Black Russian Terrier Conformation 7536
12 BOB Pixel Perfect's Fast Pace Boxer Conformation 5647
13 BOS Chaotic's Viktor vom Montego Boxer Conformation 48
15 HM Zanias' Eyes Wide Shut Boxer Conformation 7623
15 HM Guardian's Royal Child Boxer Conformation 2366
12 BOB Toretto Love Kills Slowly Bullmastiff Conformation 54
13 BOS Toretto Got A Plan Bullmastiff Conformation 54
15 HM DJK's Hot Like You Cane Corso Conformation 192
12 BOB Jarvi Neon Headlights Caucasian Ovtcharka Conformation 0
13 BOS Jarvi My Oh My Caucasian Ovtcharka Conformation 0
15 HM BTR's A Touch of Hellfire Caucasian Ovtcharka Conformation 0
15 HM BTR's Russian Roulette Central Asian Ovtcharka Conformation 0
12 BOB Sandalwood American Black Jack Dobermann Conformation 0
13 BOS Sandalwood Symphony In Red Dobermann Conformation 169
15 HM Sandalwood Fools Rush In Dobermann Conformation 5025
15 HM Amadeo Heartbreaker Dobermann Conformation 169
12 BOB SWSK's Weinen Scham Dogo Argentino Conformation 321
13 BOS Feral's Schwer Begriff Dogo Argentino Conformation 321
15 HM Phantom Dead Man Walking Dogo Canario Conformation 54
12 BOB Silicon/Brandoux's Chants de Guerre Dogue de Bordeaux Conformation 169
13 BOS Silicon Coucher du Soleil Dogue de Bordeaux Conformation 2366
16 PICK Cotfa Вangerous Killer Eurasier Conformation 0
12 BOB Boheme In Harm's Reach German Pinscher Conformation 48
13 BOS Toretto Witchcraft German Pinscher Conformation 54
12 BOB Toretto Secret Winds Giant Schnauzer Conformation 54
13 BOS SWSK's Broken Spirit Giant Schnauzer Conformation 5025
12 BOB Guardian's Demon Złych Mocy Great Dane Conformation 2366
13 BOS SS's then who? Great Dane Conformation 0
15 HM Danois New Moon Great Dane Conformation 0
15 HM Shadowfox Living on a Prayer Great Dane Conformation 5795
12 BOB Toretto Fine Jewels n' Fancy Clothes Great Pyrenees Conformation 54
13 BOS Toretto Bound By Loyalty Great Pyrenees Conformation 54
12 BOB Silicon Some Divide Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Conformation 2849
13 BOS Toretto Jet Black And Jealous Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Conformation 54
16 PICK MVK's Autumn Rose Greenland Dog Conformation 7713
15 HM SSOK Perfect Chaos Hovawart Conformation 7744
15 HM BTR's Made Me a Weapon Karst Shepherd Dog Conformation 0
16 PICK BTR's Leaves on the Line Komondor Conformation 0
12 BOB FireRidge's Country Twang Kuvasz Conformation 74
13 BOS Toretto All I Can Do Kuvasz Conformation 54
15 HM Windswepts Too Much Landseer Conformation 7536
12 BOB Toretto Take The Rain Leonberger Conformation 54
13 BOS Kuja/Toretto's Sleeping Bear Leonberger Conformation 18
15 HM Jarvi Git Pretty Woman Leonberger Conformation 0
12 BOB Brandoux's Ghosts And Goblins Mastiff Conformation 303
13 BOS Brandoux's Nightmare On My Street Mastiff Conformation 5795
15 HM Brandoux's Black Cats On Witches Brooms Mastiff Conformation 7536
15 HM Guardian's Francavilla in Sinni Neapolitan Mastiff Conformation 2366
12 BOB Marvellous Rose Bay Junction Newfoundland Conformation 2849
13 BOS Silicon Coachman's Cove Newfoundland Conformation 2849
15 HM Silicon Conception Harbour Newfoundland Conformation 2849
12 BOB Singer Nightmare Anatomy Portuguese Water Dog Conformation 219
13 BOS NRT's I'm Not Crazy Portuguese Water Dog Conformation 192
12 BOB Kuja's The Seventh Stranger Pyrenean Mastiff Conformation 18
13 BOS BTR's Old-Fashioned Love Song Pyrenean Mastiff Conformation 0
12 BOB Legend's Light My Candle Rottweiler Conformation 169
13 BOS Boheme Everlasting Shadows Rottweiler Conformation 48
15 HM Windswepts Love Me Tender Rottweiler Conformation 7536
12 BOB Rubicon's Lightning Samoyed Conformation 219
13 BOS Rubicon's Peacock Samoyed Conformation 219
12 BOB Silicon Spooky Mischief Sarplaninac Conformation 2849
13 BOS BTR's In Any Other World Sarplaninac Conformation 0
12 BOB Boheme Status Symbol Siberian Husky Conformation 48
13 BOS Koufuku Undefeatable Love Siberian Husky Conformation 5025
15 HM Fairy Tale Ending at Signet Siberian Husky Conformation 0
15 HM MVK's Kapugen the Hunter Siberian Husky Conformation 7713
15 HM Toretto Lonely All The Time South Russian Ovtcharka Conformation 54
12 BOB NAC's Broken Bard Spanish Mastiff Conformation 450
13 BOS Stationery's Rustic Lark Spanish Mastiff Conformation 7583
12 BOB Kuja's New Terrain St. Bernard Conformation 18
13 BOS Boheme Pity the Fool St. Bernard Conformation 48
12 BOB Lotus' Tales of Endurance Standard Schnauzer Conformation 18
12 BOB KIO's Jasamaru Tatra Shepherd Dog Conformation 7268
13 BOS Blanco Negro's HALSZKA BIALA Tatra Shepherd Dog Conformation 4059
12 BOB Jarvi Say What You Want Tibetan Mastiff Conformation 0
13 BOS Lovesick's Swan Song Tibetan Mastiff Conformation 7708
15 HM Lovesick's No Rest For The Wicked Tibetan Mastiff Conformation 7708
15 HM SWSK's Sher Khan Tibetan Mastiff Conformation 169
16 PICK Mirror Blue's A Charge to Keep Tosa Inu Conformation 7420
8 G1 Lotus' Tales of Endurance Standard Schnauzer Conformation 18
9 G2 Pixel Perfect's Fast Pace Boxer Conformation 5647
10 G3 Toretto Secret Winds Giant Schnauzer Conformation 54
11 G4 Sandalwood American Black Jack Dobermann Conformation 0
1 BIS Lotus' Tales of Endurance Standard Schnauzer Conformation 18
2 BW Jinja's Wut? Karelian Bear Dog Conformation 219
3 RW Providence Nevermore Field Spaniel Conformation 169
4 W1 Cato's Sheer Simplicity Miniature Poodle Conformation 18
5 W2 Pixel Perfect's Bismark Pomeranian Conformation 0
6 W3 Ravenskeep More Than Rain German Shepherd Dog Conformation 5408
7 W4 Bondita Little Mischief Parson Russell Terrier Conformation 259
13 BOS Lua Azul's First Impression Border Collie Conformation 76