


Solid: , also accepted but not preferred
Brindle: with striping or with striping.
Masking: One of the above colours with masking (small or standard mask - may be represented as just black ears in grey dogz). A mask is preferred in dogz.
White Markings: Allowed as trim on the chest, toes and tailtip only. The less white, the better.


or - brown preferred.





More white than listed. Dark red coat.




The scottish deerhound is one of the oldest european breeds, and is related to the irish wolfhound as well as the greyhound. A graveyard from the 800's show dogs almost identical to the modern deerhound, but by the early 1800's it was a rare breed in Scotland. Deerhound expert Archibald Mcc'Neil wrote in 1838 that only a dozen deerhounds were left, and that the various crosses with other breeds (among them borzoi) hadn't worked out well. The breed gained more popularity for its hunting abilities and was common by the 1860's, but has since then gone up and down in popularity.

The scottish deerhound should resemble a wirehaired greyhound, but larger and more heavier boned. It should give the impression of being a mixture of speed, strength, endurance and gentle dignity.
The head is long, preferably with a slightly convex muzzle. Moustasche and beard desirable. The eyes should have either a mild or intensive expression. The neck is very strong, with good reach though sometimes disguised by a mane. The chest is deep with a rounded rear. The tail should be long enough to almost reach the ground. The coat is scruffy, thick and wirey, somewhat shorter on the head and sides.

Breed Files

Filename: Scottish Deerhound
Offset: 1DD3
Base: Dalmatian
SCP: Dalmatian
Accepted: January 8, 2006
Notes: Angled legs and addball tail. May be unsuitable for Obedience.

Filename: Deerhound
Offset: 6103
Base: Dalmatian
SCP: Dalmatian
Accepted: December 31, 2005

Filename: CS Scottish Deerhound
Offset: 6F7A
Base: Great Dane
SCP: Dalmatian
Accepted: December 30, 2005
Notes: Four tail variations, two coat texture variations, four topline variations and comes with or without claws. Angled legs - may be unsuitable for obedience.

Filename: Deerhound
Offset: ADAD
Base: Dalmatian
SCP: Dalmatian
Accepted: October 30, 2004
Notes: Has addballz tail, angled legs - doesn't sit well. Has addballz beard, jaw feathering, body feathering variations.