Hairless: Fully Hairless, Velour, and Brush/Fur Pointed. Coat type rules override all other colour and pattern descriptions found in other Docs.

Tabby: Any tabby combination in any of the patterns. Brush coats may have silver and golden tabby.
Tortoishell: Any of the tortoiseshell combinations.
Torbie: Any of the tortie combinations of the allowed tabby combinations.
Smoke/Shaded/Chinchilla: Brush coats only. Any of the above listed colours in any of the patterns on a silver or gold base.
Colourpoint/Himalayan: Any of the colourpoint combinations.
Mink: Any of the mink combinations.
Burmese: Any of the burmese/sepia combinations.
White Patterns: Any of the above colours may come with or without