Lancashire Heeler



Tan: Always with markings in the traditional pattern. May have a (should match main body) spot on top of each foot, so called thumb-mark.
Masking: May be masked with or (standard mask). Mask should match the dog's pigment type (liver in liver etc)
White Markings: Allowed as a chest patch, but is not preferred.


in blacks, In livers


in blacks, in livers


Incorrect nose colour. Incorrect eye colour.
Lack of eyebrow markings on non-masked dogz.






The lancashire heeler is a small cattle herder from Britain, robust and well-muscled. It is confident, lively and friendly. Apart from the welsh corgis, it is the only remaining small-sized cattle herder. There were originally many varities of these dogs, such as the red and wirehaired norfolk heeler and the white shorthaired chesire heeler, but they are now gone. The lancashire comes from Ormskirk in Lancashire and is believed to originate from crosses between corgis and manchester terriers. It has the instincts of both breeds, and apart from being an excellent herder it can also work as a rabbit- and rat hunter.
The lancashire heeler was recognized by the British Kennel Club in 1981.

The general appearance of the lancashire heeler should be of a small, powerful, sturdily built energetic worker. The skull should be flat between the ears, tapering towards the nose. The ears are small and erect. The neck is of moderate length and well laid into the shoulders. The body should have a firm topline. The tail should be set high and carried over the back in a slight curve.

Breed Files

Filename: Lancashire Heeler
Offset: AF22
Base: Dalmatian
SCP: Great Dane
Accepted: August 23, 2007
Notes: Addballz ears and tail. Two tail variations, three body length variations and six size variations.

Filename: LHeel
Offset: AF03
Base: Mutt
SCP: Mutt
Accepted: January 1, 2006
Notes: 2nd gens may have smaller heads. They are equally accepted.