Alley Cat




Any Other Variety (AOV):
Tabby: Any of the tabby combinations except those with cinnamon/fawn. Silver tabby is allowed.
Tortoishell: Any of the tortie combinations except those with cinnamon/fawn.
Torbie: Any of the torbie combinations except those with cinnamon/fawn.
Colourpoint/Himalayan: Any of the above in the Colourpoint pattern except those with cinnamon/fawn.
White Patterns: Any of the above colours with or without in any amount. White tailtip is allowed provided the cat has at least Tuxedo (or more) white.
Additionally, any of the solid colours listed in the Self variety are allowed to have in any amount (these cats classify as AOV).

Additional features: Up to 20% of the coat may have spots (eye sized or smaller) and/or muzzle. One or both ears may be and one frontleg (not both) may have a sleeve. These markings represent areas of reduced hair cover, in keeping with the scruffy uneven Alley coat and may occur on any fur colour in either variety. Must have 1 or 2 fangs.


Colourpoints have
Catz with at least 50% white spotting may have one or two
Solid whites may have any of the above.


Matches coat colour. Self variety may have black nose without fault regardless of colour.


10-20% cream markings. Large cream patches instead of scattered markings, excluding ears and frontleg sleeves.


More than 20% cream markings. Un-Alley-like personality. Un-Alley-like eyes (eyes should be of unequal size, with one with a thick outline, as designed by PF Magic). Lack of fangs. Lack of fuzz.


AOV, Self


The Alley Cat is a rugged and scruffy breed adapted to a life on its own. The overall impression of the alley cat should be that of a survivor, with a short but protective coat. Torn and folded ears, mismatched eyes, tail kinks, and exposed fangs are all typical for the breed. It can be reserved towards strangers but after getting to know them, tends to open up and become quite friendly. The breed needs to be carefully introduced to other pets.

This breed was invented by PF Magic. The standard was developed by PKC using the signature petzy aspects of the Alley Cat and what is genetically likely in various stray cat populations worldwide.

Type & judging remarks
Aggression in this breed is accepted, and a fierce show pose is preferred. Re-based files of this breed that change the personality are not allowed.

Breed Files

Filename: Alley Cat
Offset: F003
Base: Alley Cat
SCP: Alley Cat
Accepted: October 6, 2006
Notes: Upon converting to Unibreed format, the breed lost its fleas, sickness and habit to drop in weight when petted. Other than that, the file is exactly the same as the original alley cat.

Filename: Alley Cat
Offset: F003
Base: Alley Cat
SCP: Alley Cat
Accepted: September 1, 1998
Notes: The original unhexed PFMagic file, as released for Petz II. This file is often shown thinner due to the flea/sickness and should not be faulted. 2nd gens have thinner fangs and may have fuzzier tails. The file comes with three tail variations and either one or two fangs. In addition the mismatched ears and eyes are variations and may be present on either side.