Australian Cattle Dog



Tan: may have in the traditional or creeping pattern.
Masking: All of the above may be masked with (standard mask)
White Markings: Always roaned and in the extreme spotting pattern. Head markings if present are preferred to be evenly distributed. Body patches are not preferred.
dogz' roaned areas may be a combination of
Lower legs and chest spots are preferred to be roaned rather than solid-coloured in tanpoints.










The first british herding dogs that were exported to Australia had problems coping with the heat and barked too much while herding. To solve this problem, the dogs were crossed with dingos, thus tougher, more quiet herders that worked by biting were born. They were often called 'heelers', and the first breed standard for the breed later known as 'Australian cattle dog' was written in 1902.

The Australian cattle dog should be compact, powerful and with great endurance. The head is broad with slight stop, muscular cheeks and dry lips. The eyes typically have a suspicious expression. The ears are quite small, set wide apart and carried slightly forward. The neck is very powerful, the body compact and strong with broad thighs. The tail should follow the line of the back or be carried somewhat lower and be covered in a good brush. The coat is smooth but not too short.

Breed Files

Filename: Australian Cattle Dog
Offset: 0400
Base: Labrador
SCP: Labrador
Accepted: June 18, 2014
Notes: Variations: tail carriage, neck thickness, topline, muzzle length, body length. Addball tail and ears as well as structural addballs in the neck, chest and underline. Optional nails. Addball liplines.

Filename: Australian cattle dog
Offset: 0400
Base: Dalmatian
SCP: Labrador
Accepted: November 15, 2008
Notes: Addballz ears and tail (three carriage variations).

Filename: AussieCattleP
Offset: 6CA1
Base: Great Dane
SCP: Great Dane
Accepted: February 15, 2006
Notes: Includes variations in leg and muzzle length, as well as two different tail types, and with or without liplinez. Several furfiles included - all are accepted.

Filename: AussieCattleP
Offset: 6CA1
Base: Great Dane
SCP: Great Dane
Accepted: January 5, 2006
Notes: Comes in three coat types, two of which use furfiles.

Filename: FTK ACD
Offset: 3553
Base: Dalmatian
SCP: Dalmatian
Accepted: December 30, 2004
Notes: Uptail version of the FTK file. Also has fixed irises - will not get smaller in 2nd gens.

Filename: FTK ACD
Offset: 3553
Base: Dalmatian
SCP: Dalmatian
Accepted: June 21, 2004
Notes: Has addball droptail, should not affect movements.