


Tortoishell: Any of the tortie combinations. The distribution of colour should be at least 20/80.
White Patterns: Always with in the default PF Magic Calico style pattern. A white tailtip is accepted without fault in this breed.

Tortoishell: Any of the tortie combinations. The distribution of colour should be at least 20/80.
White Patterns: Always with in the tuxedo, bicolour, harlequin or van pattern (realistic style pattern). A white tailtip is accepted without fault in this breed.

Minor patches (both varieties): Minor patches are smaller paintballz and/or areas (jowl, ear, portion of tail etc) that are a different colour than the main colours (such as areas on a / cat). They are not faulted except under special circumstances (see under Faults) but as few mismatched areas as possible on the cat is preferred.

Male catz of this breed are permitted to be registered. This is the only breed where male calicos are permitted without fault.


Catz with at least 75% white may have one or two


Can either be or matching surrounding pigment:
in black catz.
in chocolate and cinnamon (including tabby) catz
in brown tabby, chocolate tabby and red tabby catz
in blue and lilac catz
in fawn (including tabby), blue tabby, lilac tabby and cream tabby catz.
All catz may have nose if the surrounding area is white, and all may have a nose mottled with or the other base colour (not white).


Wrong nose colour.
Minor patches are not faulted if they are minor and part of the default PF Magic colours. The following minor patches are however faulted:
Slight fault - More than 4 patches that are normal PF Magic colour (red/black/tan) and do not match the base colours
Heavy fault - More than 4 patches that are not normal PF Magic colours (red/black/tan) and do not match the base colours
Depending on severity - 4-12 patches, that do not match the base colour
DQ - More than 12 patches that do not match the base colours

Torbie was previously fully accepted, but is being phased out and will be DQ by October 2012. Red striped areas on torties do not qualify as torbie - they are part of the regular tortie pattern.


Less than 1/5 (20%) white.

For the Traditional Variety - More than 1/2 white. More than 12 patches of colours that do not match the base colours.


Modern, Traditional


There is no breed more iconic to the traditional Petz pose show community than the Calico. Beloved by mixie breeders for years due to its fun, sweet personality and high potential for creating multi-coloured, unique offspring, Calicos have always had a loyal fan following. Many a PKC member had their first show experience with a Calico, with their heart-shaped nose leaving a little digital stamp in our hearts. There are two varieties accepted in PKC: Traditional and Modern. Traditional is a refined, realistically-coloured version of the original PF Magic Calico pattern, with varying levels of faults for mismatched patches and ballz. Modern is based on realistic cat patterns, and accepts white patterns defined by the Docs and real cat standards.

The Calico is a breed invented by PF Magic, reflecting their belief that breeds are defined purely by colour. The standard has been developed by PKC, using traditional Petz Community factors. Unlike all other PKC breeds, male Calicos are allowed to be registered.

Type & judging remarks
The Calico is always friendly, and an aggressive show pose is not allowed. Uneven eyelids and slight tail kinks are very common in the breed and should not be heavily penalized. There is no preference for “patchiness” versus “patchless”, provided the patch colours match the rest of the cat.

Breed Files

Filename: Calico
Offset: E903
Base: Calico
SCP: Calico
Accepted: September 1, 1998
Notes: The original unhexed PFMagic file, as released for Petz II.