Smoke/Shaded/Chinchilla: Any of the solid/tortie colours under AOV in the smoke pattern only.
The PFM colouration is considered Red Smoke and may also have 45 jowls and toes.
White Patterns: Any of the above colours may come with or without

Tabby: Brown, blue, red and cream tabby in any of the tabby patterns. These in silver tabby are also accepted.
Torbie: Torbie versions of the above listed tabby/tortie combinations are accepted.
White Patterns: Any of the above colours may come with or without

Any Other Variety (AOV)

Tortoishell: Black and blue tortie are accepted.
Smoke/Shaded/Chinchilla: Any of the above in the shaded or chinchilla pattern, silver base only.
White Patterns: Any of the above colours may come with or without

Note for all varieties
Due to its unusual shape, white on the front of chest may not be visible in catz with lower degrees of white. Judges can look past this, but for registrations, you need to show a picture where the white is visible, if required in the cat's pattern.
When the original breed texture is not used, any textures used must be rex/wirehair. It's accepted to use the original breed texture set as transparent.