Sepia Agouti: Genetically, this pattern is modified ticked tabby
Burmese:. The pattern is created by layering a ticking furfile over a base colour with lighter markings on the undersides of the cat.
Base colour:

- last is faulted

Tipping covers the body, neck, head, cheeks, snout, and tail. It may be heavier on the upper body and/or lighter on the flanks. Legs below the knee must be untipped, and the front legs must be untipped from the elbows (shoulders can be tipped, untipped, or partially tipped).

Undersides include belly, chest, muzzle (excluding cheeks), lower legs, and feet.
Undersides must always be lighter than the base colour. Tipping may overlap with underside colour.
Light markings:

Light markings include muzzle, throat, and front of chest. May also be present around the eyes, chin, neck, and belly. Light markings must be untipped.
Additional markings:
Barring: Light striping (same colour as the tipping) on the knees, elbows, and face (cheeks & head) is allowed and unfaulted.
Ears: May be solid tipping-coloured, solid base-coloured, or a mix of tipping and solid tipping-coloured. Regardless of base colour, all ears may be solid

Tail: The tailtip is solid

and the half of the tail nearer to the tip may be more heavily tipped.
Point pattern: As this is a Burmese-patterned cat, the tipping and/or striping on the cat's body, neck, throat, and belly may be a lighter shade or related colour than the tipping on the face, ears, legs, back, and tail (even if not accepted as a tipping colour on the points).
Face markings: Nose bridge/snout in all catz may be solid

. If desired, nose liner, eye liner, whisker spots, and M forehead markings matching the tipping colour may be present.
Also accepted: A mixture of


, created with the aid of a furfile. Lighter markings around the eyes, on the muzzle, chest and toes. Darker shading on the ears and tailtip, shading on the back optional.