Shaded cream/white: A combination of lighter and darker tan shades. Accepted combinations are

Minimum: The darker cream is present on top of the muzzle, eartips and the rest of dog uses the lighter cream.
Maximum: The darker cream is present on the whole head including ears, as well as the neck, back and tail.
Any distribution between minimum and maximum is also allowed.
Grizzle: Grey grizzle (regular).
Sable: Red sable is accepted in any of the patterns.

Masking: All of the above may be masked with

Urajiro: Allowed on all of the above
White Markings: Allowed on all the colours above as trim or in the piebald pattern. In piebalds, 50 % colour is preferred, and a white muzzle with a blaze is preferred. Solid

Due to the long hair of the body and legs, otherwise required markings on the legs/feet in Grizzles, Sables and Tanpoints may be obscured. Such leg markings may be present on the fingers/toes only without fault.