Gordon Setter
Breed Files
Filename: Gordon Setter
Offset: 2151
Base: Labrador
SCP: Labrador
Accepted: January 24, 2015
Notes: 3 coat variations, 5 tail variations, 3 ear variations, optional nails and liplines, optional hock feathers, and coat texture variations.
Filename: SN Gordon Setter
Offset: 0037
Base: Labrador
SCP: Labrador
Accepted: October 5, 2007
Notes: Addballz ears and tail (three carriage variations). Optional liplines.
Filename: Gordon Setter
Offset: 7CC1
Base: Dalmatian
SCP: Dalmatian
Accepted: December 30, 2005
Notes: Addballz tail and feathering
Filename: CS Gordon Setter
Offset: FC66
Base: Labrador
SCP: Dalmatian
Accepted: December 29, 2004
Notes: Two leg lengths. Addball tail, either moving or still. Addball ears and angled legs. May be unsuitable for obedience - movements are good but sit is off. Puppies grow feathering as they age.
2nd gens may lack the bottom of the lower hind leg feathers on the frontside of the leg and fuzz on the chest/body feathers. They are equally accepted.