Black variety:
White Markings: Allowed as a small chest patch.
Pepper & Salt variety
Overall appearance is a pepper/salt mixture with markings like traditional


blended together (furfile) for lighter dogs.

with or without

tipping. The tipping may be equal all over the dog, heavier on the upper body or heavier on the upper legs.
Additional pepper & salt details:

markings, blended (



), or combination of the two placed like traditional
Tan: markings (may lack eye spots without fault and may have single chest patch instead of two). If combining blended and solid

markings, the blended should be closer to the body. Paws should remain solid

The muzzle is preferred to have a dark portion using

. The dark portion may range from covering just the cheeks or snout, to the whole face, or anything inbetween. Ears may be solid

White Markings: Allowed as a small chest patch.