


Tabby: Any of the tabby combinations in any of the patterns including golden tabby. Heavy tabby is allowed.
Tortoishell: Any of the tortoiseshell combinations.
Torbie: Any of the torbie combinations of the allowed tabby combinations.
Smoke/Shaded/Chinchilla: Any of the above listed colours in any of the patterns on a silver or gold base.
Mink: Any of the mink combinations.
Burmese: Any of the burmese combinations.
White Patterns: Any of the above colours can come with or without in any amount. If the cat has at least tuxedo markings, it can have a white tailtip without fault.


Minks have
Catz with at least 75% white spotting catz may have one or two
Solid white catz may have any of the above.


Matches surrounding coat.


Wrong nose colour.






Although it might be controversial to say, the RagaMuffin is essentially the Oriental to the Ragdoll’s Siamese. The two breeds are very similar in type and in origin: both were developed from Ann Baker’s “Cherubim” breed of the early 1960s. Ann Baker was a character, to say the least, and was well-known in the cat fancy for the strict control she set for breeders working with her in her exclusive International Ragdoll Cat Association. In the early 1990s, a group of breeders chose to break away from the IRCA and sought acceptance for their cats under the non-trademarked name of RagaMuffin. (The name “Ragdoll” remained trademarked until 2005.) Controversy with Ragdoll breeders remained, with the end result that RagaMuffins are forbidden from outcrossing to Ragdolls and must not come in colourpoint or colourpoint and white.

Type & judging remarks
The overall impression of a RagaMuffin should be one of sweetness and robust health. They are a medium to large cat with substantial boning and a full body. The large, expressive eyes strongly contribute to the overall sweet look. The only extremes in this cat are the large expressive eyes and docile nature. They are muscular with a tendency towards a fatty pad on the abdomen, but should have an overall balance, with quality and conformation given preference over size.

Breed Files

Filename: RagaMuffin LWH
Offset: 4503
Base: Russian Blue
SCP: Russian Blue
Accepted: October 4, 2015
Notes: Five tail variations, two muzzle variations and various fur variations.

Filename: SRagaMuffin
Offset: 2717
Base: Siamese
SCP: Chinchilla Persian
Accepted: October 3, 2006
Notes: Addball ears, a addball drop tail variation, based on original tail so it moves slightly and a natural tail variation.

Filename: Ragamuffin
Offset: A907
Base: Calico
SCP: Calico
Accepted: December 25, 2003
Notes: Check eye colour before registering - must be a realistic combination.