


Coat Type(s)
Hairless: Fully Hairless. It is preferred that if the cat has hair, it is present on the bridge of the nose and ears at minimum. Coat type rules override all other colour and pattern descriptions found in other Docs.

Tabby: Any tabby combination in any of the patterns, excluding silver and golden tabby.
Tortoishell: Any of the tortoiseshell combinations.
Torbie: Any of the tortie combinations of the allowed tabby combinations.
Colourpoint/Himalayan: Any of the colourpoint combinations.
Mink: Any of the mink combinations.
Burmese: Any of the burmese/sepia combinations.
White Patterns: Any of the above colours may come with or without in any amount.


Minks have
Colourpoints have
Catz with at least 75% white spotting may have one or two
Solid white catz may have any of the above.


Matches surrounding coat.


Wrong nose colour.


Fuzz on pink flesh areas. Solid [15] all over the body (must be pale pink or sheer white in hairless areas).
Silver and golden tabby.




Against all logic, the Sphynx is a Canadian breed, originating in a hairless kitten found in a litter of strays on Roncesvalles Avenue in Toronto, Canada in 1966. Using other mutated hairless cats and normal-coated cats, the Sphynx has been developed into a robust, healthy breed with a surprisingly low amount of inbreeding. Their skin is soft and warm, and has been compared to suede, peach fuzz or even a hot water bottle. They tend towards greasiness, as what would normally be distributed throughout the coat is instead deposited on the skin, and a conscientious Sphynx owner regular wipes their cat’s skin and cleans the ears—and invests in a quality degreaser of clothes and furniture. In terms of personality, they are sweet and outgoing, with a tendency towards chattiness. They love attention, and are enthusiastic cuddlers.

Type & judging remarks
While the hairlessness is its distinguishing characteristic, most Sphynx are not completely hairless and there should be some evidence of hair on the bridge of the nose and the ears. The Sphynx is of medium size and heavy for its size. They have medium-length legs, but stand high on them due to thick paw pads—their “platform shoes”. The key for judging Sphynx is to remember that they are everything you hate in other cats—fat, bald, and wrinkly!

Breed Files

Filename: Sphynx
Offset: 3905
Base: Tabby
SCP: Tabby
Accepted: March 10, 2012
Notes: Addball tail (three variations), addball wrinkles.

Accepted: December 31, 2005
Notes: Fuzz is not a DQ in this file.

Accepted: December 31, 2005
Notes: Aggression in this file is accepted, and a fierce show pose is preferred. The perfume pose is accepted and not faulted. Fuzz is not DQ in this file.

Filename: Sphynx
Offset: 3905
Base: Tabby
SCP: Tabby
Accepted: September 1, 2004
Notes: Comes with either an addballz or non-addballz tail in the same file. The skin furfile is also accepted.