Tabby (Leopard): Brown leopard including silver leopard, sepia leopard, and silver sepia leopard. Light markings on chin, cheeks, chest and/or toes are desirable. Charcoal markings are permitted on any allowed colour or pattern.
Sepia Leopard: Sepia Bengals are genetically Burmese: leopard. Their pattern is similar to regular leopard, but with lighter colours. A faint point pattern is allowed, though optional, and follows the Burmese: doc. For all combinations, cluster colour must be a darker shade or darker related colour of the base colour.
- Seal Sepia (solid):

- Seal Sepia (pointed): As above, but the striping on the non-pointed areas is

- Silver Seal Sepia (solid):

- Silver Seal Sepia (pointed): As above, but the striping on the non-pointed areas is

Tabby (Leopard): Snow (colourpoint) leopard including silver snow leopard, mink leopard, and silver mink leopard, black pigment only. Light markings on chin, cheeks, chest and/or toes are desirable. Charcoal markings are permitted on any allowed colour or pattern.
Mink Leopard: Mink Bengals are genetically Mink: leopard. They are a mid-point between sepia leopard and snow (colourpoint) leopard. The point pattern, when present, must be the same shade or darker than the body pattern, and follows the Mink: doc. For all combinations, cluster colour must be a darker shade or darker related colour of the base colour.
- Seal Mink (solid):

- Seal Mink (pointed): As above, but the non-pointed body areas are

- Silver Seal Mink (solid):

- Silver Seal Mink (pointed): As above, but the non-pointed body areas are