
Smoke/Shaded/Chinchilla: Any of the colours accepted as solid and tortie in the shaded or chinchilla pattern, silver base only. Black or blue golden shaded/chinchilla are also accepted.
White Patterns: Any of the colours except black and blue silver/golden may have

Colourpoint/Himalayan: Any accepted solid, tortie, torbie, or tabby colour in the colourpoint (Strict) pattern, except those using cinnamon/fawn or silver/golden tabby.
Any Other Variety (AOV)

Fever coat: One of the above solid colours with a lighter shade used on the longest coat areas. (

Tabby: Any of the allowed tabby combinations in the classic, spotted, or mackerel pattern, except those with cinnamon/fawn. Heavy tabby is allowed. Black and blue golden tabby are also accepted.
Tortoishell: Any of the tortoiseshell combinations, except those with cinnamon/fawn.
Torbie: Any of the torbie combinations of the allowed tabby combinations.
Smoke/Shaded/Chinchilla: Any of the colours above in the smoke pattern.
White Patterns: Allowed in the maximum tuxedo, bicolour, harlequin or van pattern. White ears are common and unfaulted in this breed in bicolours, harlequins, and vans.