Grizzle: Grey or Liver grizzle (Silver or Regular).
Urajiro: Required on all of the above, always using

White Markings: Allowed on all of the above as trim, spots and blazes on the head are typical.
Alaskan Klee Kai
Breed Files
Filename: Alaskan Klee Kai.dog
Offset: 3256
Base: Dalmatian
SCP: Dalmatian
Accepted: August 3, 2019
Notes: All three size variations included. Standard, Mini, and Toy. Noses appear smaller in second gen Toy variation.
Filename: Alaskan Klee Kai.dog
Offset: 1015
Base: Dalmatian
SCP: Dalmatian
Accepted: April 1, 2019
Notes: This is the toy variety of the breed only. 3 color variations, No body/structural variations at this time. Nose is smaller and liplines are thinner in gen 2.
Filename: Alaskan Klee Kai
Offset: E645
Base: Labrador
SCP: Labrador
Accepted: January 24, 2010
Notes: Uses addballz for ears, tail, feathering, and markings. Three size variations, five tail variations, and two body thickness variations. Breed different sizes together at your own risk; size does not always pass down correctly.
Filename: Klee Kai
Offset: F41A
Base: Great Dane
SCP: Great Dane
Accepted: June 11, 2009
Notes: Standard variety.
Filename: Alaskan Klee Kai
Offset: B907
Base: Dalmatian
SCP: Dalmatian
Accepted: August 12, 2004
Notes: The addball tail is preferred over the default PF.Magic tail, the tailless variation is a DQ.
Comes in three sizes, all are equally accepted.