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Wicked #1

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Wicked #1

Judged by: 228

Closed: January 1, 2010

Hidden Placement Showname Breed Type Owner
12 BOB Allegory Strange Implications Abyssinian Conformation 7036
13 BOS Allegory Careless Words Abyssinian Conformation 7036
13 BOS Willough's Chiisai Balinese Conformation 7536
12 BOB Allegory Keep Your Wits About You Balinese Conformation 7036
15 HM Sun Shower Revolution Leader Balinese Conformation 3377
15 HM Novablue Trials And Suffering Balinese Conformation 7036
16 PICK Ferine Phleng Chat Thai Korat Conformation 321
12 BOB Cargo's Edged In Lace Oriental Longhair Conformation 1252
13 BOS Witz's Essence of Evil Oriental Longhair Conformation 4854
15 HM Witz's Leap to Freedom Oriental Longhair Conformation 4854
12 BOB Quorra's Miss Madness Oriental Shorthair Conformation 1252
13 BOS Witz's Love Cursed Oriental Shorthair Conformation 4854
15 HM Imperial's Fast as Lightning Oriental Shorthair Conformation 5795
16 PICK Toretto How I Feel Russian Blue Conformation 54
12 BOB Willough's Sweet Far Thing at Rebirth Seychellois Conformation 4369
13 BOS Rebirth's Rebel Angels Seychellois Conformation 4369
12 BOB Cargo's Destined to Become Lost Seychellois Conformation 3377
13 BOS Lakeshore's Rebel With Claws Seychellois Conformation 0
12 BOB Cargo's Ungodly Hour Siamese Conformation 7036
13 BOS Imperial's Floating On Air Siamese Conformation 3377
15 HM Akaviri Figlia di un magnate. Siamese Conformation 6715
12 BOB Stumbled's Bad Touch Singapura Conformation 0
13 BOS Snowflake's Amarantine Singapura Conformation 1272
12 BOB Magic'z Peter Cotton Tail Somali Conformation 0
13 BOS Magic'z Just Tri Me Somali Conformation 0
15 HM Imperial's Count in Fives Somali Conformation 1272
12 BOB Witz's Required Reboot Thai Conformation 4854
13 BOS Cupid's White Out Thai Conformation 7088
8 G1 Willough's Sweet Far Thing at Rebirth Seychellois Conformation 4369
9 G2 Cargo's Ungodly Hour Siamese Conformation 7036
12 BOB Rynnti's Wolf Song American Havana Brown Conformation 6
13 BOS Stumbled's Invincible American Havana Brown Conformation 0
12 BOB Dbltakes Handsome Gentleman Bengal Conformation 1287
13 BOS Snowflake's Winter Sky Bengal Conformation 1272
15 HM Boheme Power N Prestige Bengal Conformation 48
16 PICK Willough's Shot In The Dark Bombay Conformation 7536
12 BOB Heldigs See Spot Go European Burmese Conformation 45
13 BOS Heldigs Down the Hole European Burmese Conformation 45
12 BOB BaƂwanek CitrussiPL Egyptian Mau Conformation 0
13 BOS Bastet CitrussiPL Egyptian Mau Conformation 0
15 HM Dbltake's Omega Egyptian Mau Conformation 1287
15 HM LightingStrike's Following the Paw Prints Nebelung Conformation 5795
12 BOB Magic'z Tracking The Prey at Lakeshore Ocicat Conformation 0
13 BOS Magic'z Don't Tell Me A Lie Ocicat Conformation 7060
12 BOB Blue Eyes Diamond In The Rough Ojos Azules Conformation 5334
15 HM Blue Eyes Ebony And Ivory Ojos Azules Conformation 5334
13 BOS Blue Eyes A Little Different Ojos Azules Conformation 5334
12 BOB WHC's Bleeding Heart Savannah Conformation 40
13 BOS JOKER's Buzzy Beetle Savannah Conformation 6053
15 HM My Precious is Pure Poison Snowshoe Conformation 7985
12 BOB Snowflake's Swiftsilver Burmilla Conformation 1272
13 BOS JOKER's Dying to Say This to You Burmilla Conformation 6053
12 BOB Lakeshore's Riverboat Delta Tonkinese Conformation 0
13 BOS Witz's Youthful Curiosity Tonkinese Conformation 4854
15 HM Mira's Buffalo Springfield Toyger Conformation 2849
8 G1 Lakeshore's Riverboat Delta Tonkinese Conformation 0
9 G2 LightingStrike's Following the Paw Prints Nebelung Conformation 5795
15 HM Epica Chambermaid American Wirehair Conformation 5408
12 BOB Toretto Light Fantastic Cornish Rex Conformation 4854
13 BOS Colourful Magic is Pure Poison Cornish Rex Conformation 7985
12 BOB LightningStrike's Stocking Stuffer Devon Rex Conformation 0
13 BOS Cargo's Formal Occasion Devon Rex Conformation 55
15 HM IF's Shine Of Moonlight Devon Rex Conformation 5737
12 BOB Dbltake's Fall of a Leaf German Rex Conformation 1287
13 BOS Novablue's Timey Wimey German Rex Conformation 55
12 BOB Mellifluo's Elegance LaPerm Conformation 6715
15 HM Mellifluo's Lady Luck LaPerm Conformation 6715
13 BOS Hootin' and Hollerin' of Mirror Blue LaPerm Conformation 7420
12 BOB Willough's Now You Did It Peterbald Conformation 7536
13 BOS Boheme Rush to Stardom Peterbald Conformation 4548
15 HM Lividus All Wheel Drive Peterbald Conformation 28
12 BOB Swallowtail's Harvest Mouse Selkirk Rex Conformation 0
13 BOS Auryn's The Fallen Star Selkirk Rex Conformation 0
15 HM Rogue Justice at Rebirth Selkirk Rex Conformation 55
12 BOB Magic'z Bikini Bottom Sphynx Conformation 0
13 BOS IF's No Tears Sphynx Conformation 5737
15 HM Cupid's Crazy Love Sphynx Conformation 7088
8 G1 Magic'z Bikini Bottom Sphynx Conformation 0
9 G2 Willough's Now You Did It Peterbald Conformation 7536
12 BOB Willough's Alleytude Alley Cat Conformation 55
13 BOS ECC's When There's Science to Do Alley Cat Conformation 0
15 HM LASDK's Dangerous Toys Alley Cat Conformation 73
12 BOB Spektor's Spring in My Step American Bobtail Conformation 7420
13 BOS Epica From the Highest of Heights American Bobtail Conformation 5795
15 HM Willough's Iced Latte of Cargo American Bobtail Conformation 7536
16 PICK Rebirth's Leaves Falling American Curl Conformation 4369
12 BOB ECC's Tea and Sympathy Manx Conformation 0
13 BOS Laguna's Bump in the Night Manx Conformation 0
12 BOB JOKER's A Dangerous Man Japanese Bobtail Conformation 6053
13 BOS LightningStrike Little Princess Japanese Bobtail Conformation 182
12 BOB Rebel It Was The Heat of The Moment Manx Conformation 5795
15 HM Ferine Basking In Moonlight Manx Conformation 321
13 BOS Stumbled's Hologram Love Machine Manx Conformation 0
12 BOB Mira's Light My Fire Minskin Conformation 2849
13 BOS Kashtta's To Fall Just a Little Bit Minskin Conformation 0
15 HM Lost in Halloween is Pure Poison Minskin Conformation 7985
12 BOB LostNight Rainy Days Munchkin Conformation 7290
13 BOS Bastet's Fluffy Lady Cat Munchkin Conformation 8222
12 BOB Beachwood's You'll Always Be My Thunder Munchkin Conformation 0
13 BOS ECC's Build Me Up, Buttercup Munchkin Conformation 0
15 HM Epica State Of Madness Munchkin Conformation 5408
12 BOB Swallowtail's Thunderous Applause Orange Shorthair Conformation 178
13 BOS Sun Shower Whatever I Fear Orange Shorthair Conformation 0
12 BOB Willough's Introducing Foxy at JOKER Scottish Fold Conformation 6053
13 BOS Varekai Spymaster Scottish Fold Conformation 2
15 HM Reni White Dream Scottish Fold Conformation 0
15 HM RZS Alamika Rizi Raiz Scottish Fold Conformation 8387
8 G1 Willough's Introducing Foxy at JOKER Scottish Fold Conformation 6053
9 G2 Spektor's Spring in My Step American Bobtail Conformation 7420
12 BOB Quorra's Fine Appearance Birman Conformation 1252
13 BOS Dbltake's Take My Breath Birman Conformation 1287
12 BOB DG Next Level Desert Lynx Conformation 7060
13 BOS Sweetness White Dream Desert Lynx Conformation 0
15 HM Mira/Willough's Down The Rabbit Hole Desert Lynx Conformation 2849
16 PICK Dbltake's Yummy Smores Honey Bear Conformation 1287
12 BOB Rebirth Feathers of a Phoenix Kurilian Bobtail Conformation 6
13 BOS Willough's Patch of Earth Kurilian Bobtail Conformation 0
15 HM Willough's Tell No Tails Kurilian Bobtail Conformation 0
13 BOS White Orchid Gravis Maine Coon Conformation 0
12 BOB Mirror Blue's Thoughts Not Yet Born Maine Coon Conformation 7420
15 HM Rebel's SpookyLicious of Willough Maine Coon Conformation 7536
15 HM JOKER's Biggest Baddest Brute Maine Coon Conformation 6053
15 HM Foxie Gloomy my heart of White Orchid Maine Coon Conformation 7593
12 BOB Darkforest's Ancient Power Norwegian Forest Cat Conformation 7529
13 BOS Ragtime's Trick or Treat Norwegian Forest Cat Conformation 7536
12 BOB Quorra's Colour Explosion Ragdoll Conformation 1252
13 BOS Quorra's Feature Presentation Ragdoll Conformation 1252
15 HM Magic'z Ocean Breeze Ragdoll Conformation 0
12 BOB Kalaquendi's Twilight Omen Siberian Conformation 1272
13 BOS Darkforest's Crest Of Dragons Siberian Conformation 7529
12 BOB Cat Tail's Oh, How I Miss You Sokoke Conformation 5334
13 BOS Cat Tail's Dancing In The Moonlight Sokoke Conformation 5334
15 HM Kalaquendi's Peace of Mind Turkish Angora Conformation 1272
12 BOB Rebirth/LS Translation By Demand Turkish Van Conformation 1252
13 BOS Witz's Stars in the Sky Turkish Van Conformation 4854
8 G1 Quorra's Fine Appearance Birman Conformation 1252
9 G2 Cat Tail's Oh, How I Miss You Sokoke Conformation 5334
15 HM Peregrine's Every Filthy Bird RagaMuffin Conformation 4188
12 BOB Toretto Wonderful Things Tabby Conformation 54
13 BOS ECC's Tomorrow and the Sun Tabby Conformation 0
15 HM Swallowtail's First Song at Rebirth Exotic Conformation 112
12 BOB ECC's Cortina di Fumo European Shorthair Conformation 6715
13 BOS The striped gray cat at Camelies Pets European Shorthair Conformation 0
15 HM Euro Arrogance's First Word Florida European Shorthair Conformation 7747
16 PICK Lakeshore's I Found Myself Chartreux Conformation 0
15 HM DP's Ping Pong Calico Conformation 0
12 BOB Epica Attack! British Shorthair Conformation 5408
13 BOS Kitty White Dream British Shorthair Conformation 0
15 HM ECC's In Stony Places British Shorthair Conformation 0
12 BOB JOKER's He Ate My Heart British Longhair Conformation 6053
13 BOS Peregrine's And Justice For All British Longhair Conformation 4188
12 BOB Astro's Bees Knees Black and White Shorthair Conformation 80
13 BOS Stumbled's Worst Intentions Black and White Shorthair Conformation 0
15 HM LASDK's Take A Look Black and White Shorthair Conformation 73
13 BOS Cargo's America's Most Wanted American Shorthair Conformation 3859
12 BOB Cargo's The Witching Hour American Shorthair Conformation 3859
15 HM Providence From My First Moment American Shorthair Conformation 0
15 HM Timeless Forest of Fear American Shorthair Conformation 3859
12 BOB Commotion's Childs Play Persian Conformation 7121
13 BOS Rock Me's Tune Out Persian Conformation 3859
15 HM Rock Me One-Act Opera Persian Conformation 1252
12 BOB Cargo's Silver Lining Persian Conformation 4548
13 BOS Willough's Pandorum Persian Conformation 7962
15 HM Golden Triangles of Rede Persian Conformation 0
12 BOB Wish's With Expression Persian Conformation 805
13 BOS Quorra's Only A Dream Persian Conformation 1252
15 HM Elegant's Three Color Choice Persian Conformation 130
8 G1 Wish's With Expression Persian Conformation 805
9 G2 ECC's Cortina di Fumo European Shorthair Conformation 6715
1 BIS Lakeshore's Riverboat Delta Tonkinese Conformation 0
2 BW Wish's With Expression Persian Conformation 805
3 RW Willough's Sweet Far Thing at Rebirth Seychellois Conformation 4369
4 W1 Quorra's Fine Appearance Birman Conformation 1252
5 W2 Magic'z Bikini Bottom Sphynx Conformation 0
6 W3 Willough's Introducing Foxy at JOKER Scottish Fold Conformation 6053
12 BOB MayFlower Midnight Forest American Cocker Spaniel Conformation 7290
15 HM JD's Wheres Howie? American Cocker Spaniel Conformation 28
13 BOS Dolle's Blue Butterfly American Cocker Spaniel Conformation 0
15 HM JD's Danny Boy American Cocker Spaniel Conformation 28
15 HM Pembrooke's What Now at Shadowfox Bracco Italiano Conformation 5795
16 PICK DQK's Coma Eternal Braque du Bourbonnais Conformation 4238
12 BOB Ascotdale's Satisfaction Brittany Conformation 3859
13 BOS SWSK's Mean Girl Brittany Conformation 28
15 HM Peridot's Flirty and Vivacious Brittany Conformation 28
12 BOB KIO's Zodiac Light Chesapeake Bay Retriever Conformation 7268
12 BOB BeachWood One More Drink Clumber Spaniel Conformation 7962
15 HM BeachWood Mean Girl Clumber Spaniel Conformation 7962
13 BOS Shadowfox In Repair Clumber Spaniel Conformation 4746
15 HM Novablue Armor and a Banner Curly Coated Retriever Conformation 45
12 BOB Samhradh's Optical Illusion English Cocker Spaniel Conformation 4188
13 BOS Samhradh's Sweet Romance English Cocker Spaniel Conformation 4188
15 HM Pembrooks I'm Bad English Cocker Spaniel Conformation 6
12 BOB Wish's Golden God of the Sun English Pointer Conformation 805
13 BOS Morte's Lunatic Cafe English Pointer Conformation 4854
15 HM Samhradh's Arrested Development English Pointer Conformation 4188
15 HM p-k Karat's Serena English Setter Conformation 7297
12 BOB Rouge Man O' War English Springer Spaniel Conformation 116
15 HM Haunted's Bomb In A Birdcage English Springer Spaniel Conformation 7708
13 BOS Rouge Laurel Crown English Springer Spaniel Conformation 116
12 BOB Moorbeck Piccadilly Promises Field Spaniel Conformation 169
13 BOS DQK's Protector of the Small Field Spaniel Conformation 3377
15 HM Piccadilly Heat of the Night Field Spaniel Conformation 219
15 HM These's Never Give Up Flat Coated Retriever Conformation 0
15 HM GA's Leibl German Longhaired Pointer Conformation 5112
12 BOB Gunwood Thundering Home German Shorthaired Pointer Conformation 4620
13 BOS Providence Addicted To His Love German Shorthaired Pointer Conformation 0
15 HM Witz's Chivalrous Streak German Shorthaired Pointer Conformation 4854
12 BOB Atomheart Sandcastle Destroyer German Wachtelhund Conformation 2849
13 BOS BKO Pif-Sindi German Wachtelhund Conformation 7297
12 BOB Left Behind's Star Of Heaven at Pembrook German Wirehaired Pointer Conformation 7536
13 BOS Quorra's Dark Temptation German Wirehaired Pointer Conformation 1252
12 BOB Loango Optima Golden Retriever Conformation 8474
13 BOS Atomheart's Golden November Golden Retriever Conformation 2849
15 HM Rosestone's Toasty Treasure Trail Golden Retriever Conformation 130
12 BOB The General of Fango Gordon Setter Conformation 4548
13 BOS Fango Magnolia Blossom Gordon Setter Conformation 4548
12 BOB Lua Azul Ringside Gossip Hungarian Shorthaired Vizsla Conformation 76
13 BOS Silverwood's Unforgettable Hungarian Shorthaired Vizsla Conformation 37
12 BOB Lua Azul She's A Keeper Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla Conformation 76
13 BOS Horizon's Thump Thump Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla Conformation 9509
12 BOB Brighton's Iron Chef Irish Red and White Setter Conformation 110
12 BOB MayFlower Good Reason Irish Setter Conformation 7290
13 BOS Arina Emerald dog Irish Setter Conformation 0
16 PICK Birdy's Prince Charming Irish Water Spaniel Conformation 0
15 HM Magic Shows and Miracles of Catalonia Kooikerhondje Conformation 7420
12 BOB Lakeshore's A Desilu Production Korthals Griffon Conformation 0
13 BOS DQK's Supernova Korthals Griffon Conformation 2366
12 BOB SHK Ice Labrador Retriever Conformation 9323
13 BOS Toretto Catch The Second Wind Labrador Retriever Conformation 54
15 HM Birdy's Solo fantasia di cioccolato. Labrador Retriever Conformation 6715
16 PICK Quorra's Twice Shy Large Munsterlander Conformation 1252
13 BOS Haunted's Cowboy Casanova Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Conformation 7708
12 BOB Haunted's Look At Me Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Conformation 7708
15 HM JD's Sir Edmund Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Conformation 28
15 HM Tollercrew's ONLY ONE Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Conformation 4059
15 HM Charring Buona anima. Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Conformation 6715
16 PICK Charring AMORE MIO Old Danish Pointer Conformation 6715
16 PICK Junee's Keeper of the Gate Portuguese Pointer Conformation 5528
15 HM Maplestone's Man's Ego Slovakian Wirehaired Pointer Conformation 7036
15 HM Birdy's Laffy Taffy of Pembrook Spinone Italiano Conformation 7536
12 BOB Loango Three D Grinchy Glee Sussex Spaniel Conformation 0
13 BOS Witz's Assassin in the Night Sussex Spaniel Conformation 4854
15 HM Witz's Surprising Future Sussex Spaniel Conformation 4854
12 BOB Morning mist's Pride Weimaraner Conformation 0
13 BOS Horizon's Hotel California Weimaraner Conformation 7121
15 HM EK's Free Spirit at Shadowfox Weimaraner Conformation 80
15 HM BeachWood Spooklight Weimaraner Conformation 7962
15 HM Witz's Name of the Game Weimaraner Conformation 4854
15 HM Kashtta's All Along the Watchtower Welsh Springer Spaniel Conformation 0
15 HM Witz's Life Delightful Wetterhoun Conformation 4854
8 G1 Loango Optima Golden Retriever Conformation 8474
9 G2 Gunwood Thundering Home German Shorthaired Pointer Conformation 4620
10 G3 Moorbeck Piccadilly Promises Field Spaniel Conformation 169
11 G4 Witz's Life Delightful Wetterhoun Conformation 4854
12 BOB Samhradh's Barrel of a Gun Afghan Hound Conformation 4188
13 BOS HAK's The Beat Goes On Afghan Hound Conformation 0
12 BOB Ithaca's Don't Stop at Blood American Foxhound Conformation 0
16 PICK Fango's Greatest King Azawakh Conformation 4548
12 BOB Loango Ismael Miles Basenji Conformation 8474
13 BOS Samhradh's Bad Company Basenji Conformation 4188
16 PICK Williwaw's The Good Old Days Basset Fauve de Bretagne Conformation 7036
12 BOB JD's White Magic Basset Hound Conformation 28
15 HM Mayflower's Ginger Rogers Basset Hound Conformation 7536
13 BOS JD's I am Sam Basset Hound Conformation 28
15 HM Williwaw's Meet Your Maker Beagle Conformation 7036
12 BOB Samhradh's High Performance Black and Tan Coonhound Conformation 4188
13 BOS Singer Jack Daniel's Distillery Black and Tan Coonhound Conformation 219
12 BOB Pembrook's Lord Of The Ring Bloodhound Conformation 7536
12 BOB Lakeshore's Blue Box Blues Bluetick Coonhound Conformation 0
13 BOS Singer Acoustician Bluetick Coonhound Conformation 219
15 HM Ithaca's Buckshot Moon Bluetick Coonhound Conformation 0
12 BOB Stride's The One With the Butt Borzoi Conformation 4746
13 BOS Klassic's Original Taste Borzoi Conformation 5795
12 BOB Vento de Espero's Wasn't Me Chart Polski Conformation 192
13 BOS ScaredShanuk's Wild Africa Chart Polski Conformation 0
15 HM Kashtta's Ante Up Cirneco dellEtna Conformation 0
15 HM Samhradh's Running The Force Deerhound Conformation 4188
12 BOB Samhradh's In Your Atmosphere Drever Conformation 4188
13 BOS Samhradh's Houses of the Holy Drever Conformation 4188
15 HM BergljĂłt av Lua Azul Dunker Conformation 76
16 PICK Hapa Ali'i's Fox and The Hounds English Foxhound Conformation 7088
16 PICK Kutie's Columbiano Galgo Espanol Conformation 52
16 PICK BTR's Don't Let the Sun Go Down Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen Conformation 0
12 BOB Sandalwood I'm Your Biggest Fan Greyhound Conformation 0
13 BOS Burbeck Inside A Snowflake Greyhound Conformation 2849
15 HM Burbeck Cheery Fire Greyhound Conformation 2849
15 HM Sandalwood As Good As it Gets Greyhound Conformation 0
12 BOB Oscuro/Cargo's At Twilight Ibizan Hound Conformation 5795
13 BOS BeachWood Guilding The Lily Ibizan Hound Conformation 7962
15 HM BeachWood Baby New Year Ibizan Hound Conformation 7962
15 HM Energy If You Want To Sing Out Irish Wolfhound Conformation 2849
12 BOB Jinja's Einojuhani Karelian Bear Dog Conformation 76
12 BOB Pembrook's Hope Diamond Miniature Dachshund Conformation 7536
13 BOS Terror's Short Miniature Dachshund Conformation 7296
15 HM Rosestone's Country Luv Miniature Dachshund Conformation 130
16 PICK HD's My Lost and Found Dog Norrbottenspets Conformation 7587
16 PICK PAS's Angel flying in the Sky Norwegian Elkhound Conformation 7587
16 PICK Fango Stellar Dust Norwegian Elkhound Black Conformation 4548
16 PICK Burbeck Prizewinner Otterhound Conformation 2849
15 HM Jinja's Trojan Horse Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Conformation 219
12 BOB Toretto Theories And Lies Pharaoh Hound Conformation 54
13 BOS Dementia No Rain Pharaoh Hound Conformation 303
15 HM Aludor Azazel Pharaoh Hound Conformation 0
12 BOB Singer Cold Nose Rust Plott Conformation 219
13 BOS Ithaca's Smoke on the Glass Plott Conformation 0
15 HM Arkillian Date With The Devil Portuguese Podengo Conformation 3377
15 HM A Blue Bell of Tea Rose Rabbit Dachshund Conformation 450
15 HM Singer Little Boy Red Redbone Coonhound Conformation 219
16 PICK Boheme Day at the Races Saluki Conformation 48
16 PICK Fango's Putty Beige Segugio Italiano Conformation 4548
12 BOB Boheme Sophisticated Lady at Quorra Standard Dachshund Conformation 1252
13 BOS JD's Thats Black Jack Standard Dachshund Conformation 28
15 HM Toretto Love Compromise Standard Dachshund Conformation 4854
15 HM Toretto Prophet's Tears Standard Dachshund Conformation 48
12 BOB Pembrooks Gotta Getta Gizmo Treeing Walker Coonhound Conformation 219
15 HM GE's Blue Fog West Siberian Laika Conformation 7587
12 BOB Verum She Speaks Of Moonlight Whippet Conformation 7036
13 BOS Lakeshore's Iced Coffee Whippet Conformation 0
15 HM Jinja's Vice Whippet Conformation 219
8 G1 Sandalwood I'm Your Biggest Fan Greyhound Conformation 0
9 G2 Samhradh's High Performance Black and Tan Coonhound Conformation 4188
10 G3 Loango Ismael Miles Basenji Conformation 8474
11 G4 Boheme Sophisticated Lady at Quorra Standard Dachshund Conformation 1252
12 BOB Nover's O, Jakie Pyszne Aero! Australian Kelpie Conformation 0
13 BOS Junee's Blue Waterlily Australian Kelpie Conformation 5528
15 HM Tiliqua End of the Tunnel Australian Kelpie Conformation 77
13 BOS Cantavi's Pray For Sun Australian Shepherd Conformation 7296
12 BOB Fango's Brilliant Resistance Australian Shepherd Conformation 3377
15 HM Williwaw's Whittled Away Australian Shepherd Conformation 7036
15 HM HEAVENLY CHASE Sheepwood Australian Shepherd Conformation 0
15 HM Sugarland's Genevieve Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog Conformation 8090
12 BOB Samhradh Toretto Reckless Abandon Bearded Collie Conformation 4188
13 BOS A Windy Breeze at Lua Azul Bearded Collie Conformation 76
12 BOB Rustica's Je Ne Sais Quoi Beauceron Conformation 7926
13 BOS Rustica's Neo Violence Beauceron Conformation 6
15 HM Pembrook's All Summer Long Beauceron Conformation 7536
12 BOB Lucifer’s Angel. Chris.? Belgian Shepherd Conformation 8201
13 BOS Hells Bells Aka Daka Belgian Shepherd Conformation 6941
12 BOB Akaishi's Same Lonely Song Belgian Shepherd Conformation 54
13 BOS Lakeshore's Two Of A Kind Belgian Shepherd Conformation 0
12 BOB Polly wants a cracker Aka Daka Belgian Shepherd Conformation 6941
13 BOS Neverland's VOYAGE VOYAGE Belgian Shepherd Conformation 7640
15 HM RSW's Crippled Golden Dragon Of ABJM Bergamasco Conformation 143
13 BOS Nonso's Cane Su Una Medaglia Border Collie Conformation 0
12 BOB A Zippy Walk at Lua Azul Border Collie Conformation 76
15 HM GOD OF THE MOON Zaklinacz Owiec Border Collie Conformation 5808
15 HM GUARANTEED LOVE Zaklinacz Owiec Border Collie Conformation 8201
15 HM NONA Zaklinacz Owiec Border Collie Conformation 5808
15 HM Lua Azul's This Dream Is Real Border Collie Conformation 76
15 HM ANGELS 'PIACERE from Li'l Finezis Border Collie Conformation 6715
15 HM Boheme Finest Moon Border Collie Conformation 7926
15 HM SWSK's Inside Glory Border Collie Conformation 76
12 BOB Caribou's Let's Get Retarded Bouvier des Ardennes Conformation 77
13 BOS Sugarland's Come On Get Higher Bouvier des Ardennes Conformation 8090
15 HM Stationery's Fever Bouvier des Flandres Conformation 7583
12 BOB Puerto Negro's Kalahari Briard Conformation 0
13 BOS Puerto Negro's Legend Laprose Briard Conformation 0
15 HM Prism Duke Of Kings Briard Conformation 0
12 BOB Loango Laini Lerato Cardigan Welsh Corgi Conformation 8474
13 BOS KIO's One of the Angels Of Death Cardigan Welsh Corgi Conformation 7268
15 HM Cargo's Must Be Santa Cardigan Welsh Corgi Conformation 130
12 BOB BE's Taking Chances Catahoula Leopard Dog Conformation 0
13 BOS Boheme Stormy May Day Catahoula Leopard Dog Conformation 4620
15 HM Love American Style at Pedigree Catahoula Leopard Dog Conformation 3859
15 HM Caribou's Summer Tan Catalan Sheepdog Conformation 77
16 PICK Fango's Black Diamond Croatian Sheepdog Conformation 4548
12 BOB Corazon Salvaje of Criadero Azteca Czechoslovakian Wolfdog Conformation 7420
13 BOS Mirror Blue's No Snow In Winter Of SSOK Czechoslovakian Wolfdog Conformation 7744
15 HM SWSK's Ready Steady Go Dutch Shepherd Dog Conformation 7926
12 BOB VT's Lost in the darkness English Shepherd Conformation 0
13 BOS Lycanthropy's Dancing With The Devil English Shepherd Conformation 0
16 PICK Kashtta's In the Mortal City Estrela Mountain Dog Conformation 0
15 HM GE's Lich de Chartan Finnish Lapphund Conformation 7587
13 BOS KIO' Star burning in darkness German Shepherd Dog Conformation 7268
12 BOB KIO's Kaiser German Shepherd Dog Conformation 7268
15 HM Pas Port's My Broken Heart German Shepherd Dog Conformation 7587
15 HM KIO's Musician with sword Icelandic Sheepdog Conformation 7268
16 PICK Feral's Living Dead Lancashire Heeler Conformation 321
12 BOB LWK You Got My Heart Lapponian Herder Conformation 0
13 BOS Sal & Pimienta de AragĂłn Lapponian Herder Conformation 7985
16 PICK Santeria's Our California Song Maremma Sheepdog Conformation 4241
12 BOB Marvellous Apple Crumble Mudi Conformation 0
13 BOS Livera" Christmas Present Dea Mudi Conformation 7296
15 HM Clover's Angel's Lullaby Mudi Conformation 832
15 HM Toretto Wandering Eyes Mudi Conformation 54
16 PICK Grand Elita's Noy de Chartan Norwegian Buhund Conformation 7587
12 BOB Caribou's Hella Pinoy Old English Sheepdog Conformation 77
13 BOS Troupeau's Society Page Old English Sheepdog Conformation 7536
15 HM Caribou's Malamig Bulikil Old English Sheepdog Conformation 77
15 HM DQK's Gateway Shuffle Pembroke Welsh Corgi Conformation 7602
12 BOB Artisan Pon Wonderful Polish Lowland Sheepdog Conformation 295
13 BOS Artisan Baby Dynamite Polish Lowland Sheepdog Conformation 295
15 HM Fango Last Call Pumi Conformation 0
12 BOB Providence Sunnybank Life Left To Lead Rough Collie Conformation 0
13 BOS Providence Sunnybank Alexander The Great Rough Collie Conformation 0
15 HM SSOK Gift Of Isis of the Wild Pack Saarloos Wolfhond Conformation 7744
16 PICK Toretto Umbrella Beach Schapendoes Conformation 54
12 BOB Ink Meh'! de MexiCan's Shetland Sheepdog Conformation 7985
13 BOS Meh' Sugar! de MexiCan's Shetland Sheepdog Conformation 7985
15 HM Kawaiis Kako Are You remeber me? Shetland Sheepdog Conformation 6715
12 BOB Providence Sunnybank Something I Said Smooth Collie Conformation 0
13 BOS Providence Sunnybank Because I'm Popular Smooth Collie Conformation 0
15 HM BeachWood Jump Then Fall Smooth Collie Conformation 7962
15 HM Wisdom's Let Them All Talk Smooth Collie Conformation 832
12 BOB Pas Port's Lik de Chartan Swedish Lapphund Conformation 7587
13 BOS PANIQUE Write Our Bad Romance Swedish Lapphund Conformation 8152
12 BOB Rustica's Blatant Lie of Anystar White Shepherd Conformation 178
13 BOS Fango's Calypso White Shepherd Conformation 4548
11 G4 Artisan Pon Wonderful Polish Lowland Sheepdog Conformation 295
8 G1 Fango's Brilliant Resistance Australian Shepherd Conformation 3377
9 G2 Polly wants a cracker Aka Daka Belgian Shepherd Conformation 6941
10 G3 Loango Laini Lerato Cardigan Welsh Corgi Conformation 8474
15 HM Precious Dogs's my soaring Swallow Airedale Terrier Conformation 0
12 BOB MayFlower Buddy - spoty and fun American Hairless Terrier Conformation 7290
13 BOS Scylding's Devour American Hairless Terrier Conformation 219
13 BOS BeachWood I Can Transform Ya American Staffordshire Terrier Conformation 7962
12 BOB Beachwood Dance Till Six at Quorra American Staffordshire Terrier Conformation 1252
15 HM DASK Livin in Moscow American Staffordshire Terrier Conformation 5472
15 HM Beachwood's Huntington Beach Bad Boy American Staffordshire Terrier Conformation 7536
16 PICK Cazamina Beaten Australian Terrier Conformation 3377
15 HM Japanese Cherry's Shining Dimond Bedlington Terrier Conformation 0
12 BOB Malz Eat Fresh Border Terrier Conformation 45
13 BOS Lakeshore's Little Birdie Border Terrier Conformation 0
15 HM Silicon Radioactive Kiss Brazilian Terrier Conformation 2849
12 BOB Pembrook's Dolly Madison Bull Terrier Conformation 7536
15 HM Puerto Negro's Nemezis Bull Terrier Conformation 0
13 BOS La Roca de MexiCan's Bull Terrier Conformation 7985
15 HM Sun Shower Rosy Red Cairn Terrier Conformation 4548
12 BOB AragĂłn's Black & Blue Cesky Terrier Conformation 7985
13 BOS Centuri's Starbright Cesky Terrier Conformation 37
15 HM Hippie's Take a Bow Dandie Dinmont Terrier Conformation 0
15 HM Cazamina Saved By The Bell Glen of Imaal Terrier Conformation 3377
15 HM Loango Undina Irish Terrier Conformation 8474
12 BOB Pembrook's Hellboy Jack Russell Terrier Conformation 219
13 BOS Cazamina Scribble Out The Truth Jack Russell Terrier Conformation 3377
15 HM Sh's Radio Waves Japanese Terrier Conformation 4548
12 BOB Pembrook's Small Talk Kerry Blue Terrier Conformation 7536
13 BOS Arkillian Queen Of Pain Kerry Blue Terrier Conformation 3377
16 PICK Lakeshore's Bayberry Candle Lakeland Terrier Conformation 0
12 BOB BTR's Manc Lion Manchester Terrier Conformation 0
13 BOS Pixel Perfect's Sweet As Candy Manchester Terrier Conformation 7744
12 BOB SWSK's Traslafuente Uncas Miniature Bull Terrier Conformation 4188
13 BOS BeachWood Winter Freeze Miniature Bull Terrier Conformation 7962
12 BOB Mago MerlĂ­n de la Familia Miniature Schnauzer Conformation 7985
13 BOS Lakeshore's Calamity Jane Miniature Schnauzer Conformation 0
12 BOB AragĂłn's Pumpkin Bash Norfolk Terrier Conformation 7985
13 BOS Scylding's Winner At A Losing Game Norfolk Terrier Conformation 219
16 PICK Horizon's Autobot Norwich Terrier Conformation 7121
15 HM These's Jumping Jack Flash Parson Russell Terrier Conformation 0
15 HM Fango's Heart Breaker Patterdale Terrier Conformation 4548
12 BOB Raunchy Like A Rock Rat Terrier Conformation 65
13 BOS Raunchy Slow Me Down Rat Terrier Conformation 65
12 BOB Pembrooks Roll The Dice Scottish Terrier Conformation 7536
13 BOS Moorbeck's Winter Lager of Pembrook Scottish Terrier Conformation 7536
12 BOB Hau Kea's Valiant Dream Sealyham Terrier Conformation 1516
13 BOS Malz Big City Sealyham Terrier Conformation 45
15 HM Fango Auld Lang Syne Skye Terrier Conformation 7420
12 BOB Loango Kaylo Nesez Smooth Fox Terrier Conformation 8474
13 BOS BeachWood The Truth Is... Smooth Fox Terrier Conformation 7962
12 BOB Samhradh's A Modern Way Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Conformation 4188
13 BOS Wish's Kia Dance Moondust Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Conformation 805
15 HM Skysong's Indeed I Can Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Conformation 7420
12 BOB Horizon's Lily of the Valley Staffordshire Bull Terrier Conformation 7121
13 BOS Dreamland Battlefield Staffordshire Bull Terrier Conformation 7962
12 BOB Toretto Felony Stupidity Teddy Roosevelt Terrier Conformation 54
13 BOS Emmy Emerald Dog Teddy Roosevelt Terrier Conformation 0
15 HM Weasel van Lua Azul Teddy Roosevelt Terrier Conformation 76
15 HM Fango It's Not a Typo Welsh Terrier Conformation 4548
15 HM DQK's Dancing Through Life West Highland White Terrier Conformation 4535
15 HM MexiCan's A Sunny Day Wire Fox Terrier Conformation 7985
8 G1 Loango Undina Irish Terrier Conformation 8474
9 G2 SWSK's Traslafuente Uncas Miniature Bull Terrier Conformation 4188
10 G3 Beachwood Dance Till Six at Quorra American Staffordshire Terrier Conformation 1252
11 G4 Pembrook's Hellboy Jack Russell Terrier Conformation 219
15 HM Mirror Blue's Thread of Life Affenpinscher Conformation 7420
16 PICK Pas Port's My Northern Star Alaskan Klee Kai Conformation 0
16 PICK Fango Follows Like A Shadow Australian Silky Terrier Conformation 4548
15 HM Pembrook's Fluffer Nutter Bichon Frise Conformation 7536
16 PICK Novablue King of the Hill Bolognese Conformation 6
12 BOB Enevia MAGIC MOMENTS Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Conformation 8017
13 BOS Crystal's Live Wire Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Conformation 8233
12 BOB MayFlower Unwritten Beauty Chihuahua Conformation 7290
13 BOS Pembrook's Edelweiss Chihuahua Conformation 7536
15 HM Pembrook's Pequeño Stud de MexiCan's Chihuahua Conformation 7985
15 HM Saovine VERTICAL LIMIT Chinese Crested Conformation 0
12 BOB Stationery's Priceless Balance Coton de Tulear Conformation 7583
13 BOS Stationery's Belt of Stars Coton de Tulear Conformation 7583
12 BOB AragĂłn's Vivita & Coleando Griffon Conformation 7985
13 BOS Pl's Ujniy veter Griffon Conformation 7436
12 BOB Novablue Mountain Hawk Havanese Conformation 6
13 BOS Kutie/NB's All American Girl Havanese Conformation 80
12 BOB Filigree Offered as a Bribe Italian Greyhound Conformation 3859
13 BOS Lakeshore's Batman Pez Dispenser Italian Greyhound Conformation 0
15 HM Pembrook's Run Rabbit Run Italian Greyhound Conformation 7536
12 BOB Pixel Perfect's Glorious Hero Japanese Chin Conformation 0
16 PICK Horizon's Under Hogg King Charles Spaniel Conformation 7121
12 BOB MayFlower Prune Brune Lowchen Conformation 7290
13 BOS Such Angelic Face of MayFlower Lowchen Conformation 0
12 BOB Winterguard's Or So She Thought Miniature Pinscher Conformation 7036
15 HM Cylemore's Hesperiidae Papillon Conformation 0
15 HM Vitalis' Born To Be Wild Pekingese Conformation 0
12 BOB Joiki from French Kiss Pomeranian Conformation 8025
13 BOS Horizon's Angel In The Dark at Ambull Kennel Pomeranian Conformation 7290
15 HM Lakeshore's Princess Magic Touch Pomeranian Conformation 0
15 HM JD's Friend of a Friend Pomeranian Conformation 28
15 HM Rustica Quirky Flop Pomeranian Conformation 178
16 PICK Clover's Listen to the Music Pug Conformation 832
16 PICK Millenium from MayFlower Russian Toy Conformation 7290
15 HM Pembrooks Caught In The Act Shih Tzu Conformation 7536
12 BOB Boheme Send Me No Flowers Toy Fox Terrier Conformation 48
15 HM DeeOhGee's It's Just Snow Volpino Italiano Conformation 4548
12 BOB Quorra's Keeping Time Yorkshire Terrier Conformation 1252
13 BOS Quorra's Dedication Yorkshire Terrier Conformation 7420
8 G1 Filigree Offered as a Bribe Italian Greyhound Conformation 3859
9 G2 Quorra's Keeping Time Yorkshire Terrier Conformation 1252
10 G3 Enevia MAGIC MOMENTS Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Conformation 8017
11 G4 Joiki from French Kiss Pomeranian Conformation 8025
12 BOB Fango Sukiyaki American Akita Conformation 4548
13 BOS LS Jingle Bell Rock at BeachWood American Akita Conformation 7962
15 HM Hirundo's Out Of The Way American Akita Conformation 55
15 HM Lakeshore's Last Bear On Wall Street American Eskimo Conformation 0
16 PICK Kofuku's Fly Me To The Stars Boston Terrier Conformation 7536
15 HM Rustica Righteous Hooker Canaan Dog Conformation 219
12 BOB Quorra's Taken in Stride Chow Chow Conformation 7420
13 BOS Quorra's Bad Romance Chow Chow Conformation 1252
15 HM Lislee's Kalen's Legacy Of SWSK Chow Chow Conformation 73
12 BOB Plastic Dreams of Chivalry Dalmatian Conformation 3859
13 BOS Loango Delaware Dalmatian Conformation 0
15 HM Loango Diabolikal Rapture Dalmatian Conformation 0
15 HM Laguna's Prince Gregory English Bulldog Conformation 0
15 HM HD's Pretty Dog Finnish Spitz Conformation 7587
12 BOB Mirror Blue's Stated Frankly French Bulldog Conformation 7420
13 BOS Mirror Blue's Beaming At You French Bulldog Conformation 7420
12 BOB Pl's Midnight light Astra German Spitz Conformation 7290
13 BOS MexiKanisch Schwarze Mann German Spitz Conformation 7985
15 HM Elmonte's My lovely friend Ruta Hokkaido Conformation 7436
15 HM Kashtta's All My Dire Dreams Japanese Akita Conformation 0
15 HM Loango Migoto Hentou Kai Conformation 8474
12 BOB Rustica's To The Brink Keeshond Conformation 178
13 BOS MexiKanisch Mann Haggard Keeshond Conformation 7985
15 HM Caribou's Endless Pit Lagotto Romagnolo Conformation 77
15 HM Piccadilly Hallelujah Chorus Lhasa Apso Conformation 169
16 PICK Pembrooks Sweet Chardonnay Miniature Poodle Conformation 7436
12 BOB Fango's Hot 'n Spicy Mutt Conformation 80
13 BOS Mutter's Up, Down and All Around Mutt Conformation 80
15 HM Mutter's Twisted Sister Mutt Conformation 80
15 HM Novablue What's All This Then Mutt Conformation 6
16 PICK Fango Teach Me Magic Norwegian Lundehund Conformation 4548
15 HM Horizon's Shut Your Trap Peruvian Hairless Dog Conformation 7121
12 BOB Foxwile Lord of the Underworld Schipperke Conformation 37
13 BOS Silverwood's Moondance of Bramblewood Schipperke Conformation 37
12 BOB Maplestone's A Kodak Moment Shar Pei Conformation 8474
13 BOS Shenlong Udachnaya Vstrecha Shar Pei Conformation 5472
15 HM Lakeshore's Studio Ghibli Shiba Inu Conformation 0
16 PICK Rubicon's Stormy Seas Shikoku Conformation 7420
12 BOB Gaga's Ooh La La Standard Poodle Conformation 7708
13 BOS Horizon's Spoiling The Party Standard Poodle Conformation 7121
15 HM BeachWood Ultraviolet Standard Poodle Conformation 7962
15 HM Santeria's Sky Traveling Trickster Tibetan Spaniel Conformation 4241
15 HM FLUFF's Rufius Vinicius Tibetan Terrier Conformation 7920
12 BOB GDK's The Shooter Toy Poodle Conformation 40
13 BOS Chocolate Dreams' Cassie from Sweetness Toy Poodle Conformation 0
12 BOB Rynnti Blacksmith's Fire Xoloitzquintle Conformation 5795
13 BOS MexiCan's Peppermint Joann of BeachWood Xoloitzquintle Conformation 7962
8 G1 Piccadilly Hallelujah Chorus Lhasa Apso Conformation 169
9 G2 Maplestone's A Kodak Moment Shar Pei Conformation 8474
10 G3 Plastic Dreams of Chivalry Dalmatian Conformation 3859
11 G4 Gaga's Ooh La La Standard Poodle Conformation 7708
16 PICK Horizon's Bust-a-move Aidi Conformation 7121
12 BOB PD's My World Alaskan Malamute Conformation 2060
13 BOS Silverwood's Crown Jewel Alaskan Malamute Conformation 37
12 BOB Shadowfox's Bachelor Pad American Bulldog Conformation 321
13 BOS Feral's Raging Memories American Bulldog Conformation 321
12 BOB Rustica Daydreams and Dayjobs Anatolian Shepherd Dog Conformation 178
13 BOS Nairobi's Shoot the Moon Anatolian Shepherd Dog Conformation 2598
15 HM BTR's Got Your Back Appenzell Mountain Dog Conformation 0
16 PICK BTR's A Fiery Peace Austrian Pinscher Conformation 7420
12 BOB Wicked Switzerland's Pearl Bernese Mountain Dog Conformation 116
13 BOS Amulet Battle Of Ten Bernese Mountain Dog Conformation 116
12 BOB Cyzar Beautiful Madness Black Russian Terrier Conformation 1252
13 BOS Wrought Iron Comatose Bliss Black Russian Terrier Conformation 40
15 HM Cyzar Raggle Taggle Gypsy Black Russian Terrier Conformation 1728
15 HM Kaku Chosen One Black Russian Terrier Conformation 0
12 BOB Chaotic's Against All Odds Boxer Conformation 4548
15 HM Loango Inferno Plague Boxer Conformation 0
13 BOS Beryl vom Montego Boxer Conformation 219
15 HM Cochise Double Fatality of Fango Bullmastiff Conformation 4620
12 BOB CastleGuard's Dont Be Shy Annie Cane Corso Conformation 7536
13 BOS Loango Simplemente El Genio Cane Corso Conformation 0
15 HM Loango La Misiva Secreto Cane Corso Conformation 0
15 HM Conwell Sea Route Cane Corso Conformation 5472
12 BOB Loango Nestor Caucasian Ovtcharka Conformation 0
12 BOB ScaredShanuk's Lead Girl Central Asian Ovtcharka Conformation 0
13 BOS BTR's Russian Roulette Central Asian Ovtcharka Conformation 0
13 BOS CYNOSBATI Dogs of War Dobermann Conformation 6913
15 HM Syben's New York Debbonaire Dobermann Conformation 7536
12 BOB Amadeo Cactus Cash Dobermann Conformation 169
15 HM Haunted's On The Road Again Dobermann Conformation 7708
12 BOB Feral's Insgesamt Wut Dogo Argentino Conformation 321
13 BOS Feral Explantion Complication Dogo Argentino Conformation 321
12 BOB Loango Itoori Izegbe Dogo Canario Conformation 8474
13 BOS Phantom Dead Man Walking Dogo Canario Conformation 54
12 BOB MALAGRANATI Dogs of War Dogue de Bordeaux Conformation 6913
13 BOS Pembrooks Mack Tough Dogue de Bordeaux Conformation 7536
15 HM Caribou's Partner In Crime Dogue de Bordeaux Conformation 77
12 BOB SeZZa's Semiotic Love Eurasier Conformation 159
13 BOS GE's Summer Day Eurasier Conformation 7587
15 HM Witz's Future Framed German Pinscher Conformation 4854
15 HM Toretto Happy Haunting Giant Schnauzer Conformation 54
12 BOB Quorra's Miss Molly of Vulpes Great Dane Conformation 4620
13 BOS HD's Black-White Dream Great Dane Conformation 7587
15 HM Horizon's Outta the Park Great Dane Conformation 7121
15 HM Pembrooks Bring It On Great Dane Conformation 54
16 PICK Olde Hickory's Treasure Box Great Pyrenees Conformation 0
15 HM Witz's Passionate Love Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Conformation 4854
16 PICK PL/Caribou's Little Bo Peep at Zarcrest Greenland Dog Conformation 77
12 BOB Stationery's Break the Spell Hovawart Conformation 7583
15 HM BTR's Pocket Full of C-4 Karst Shepherd Dog Conformation 0
16 PICK BTR's Leaves on the Line Komondor Conformation 0
15 HM Puerto Negro's Cierpka Cytryna Kuvasz Conformation 0
15 HM PASPORTs Bill Landseer Conformation 7587
16 PICK Toretto Virtutis Gloria Merces Leonberger Conformation 4548
15 HM Pembrook's 21 Guns at Courtney'z Mastiff Conformation 2610
12 BOB Phantom Vanilla Twilight Neapolitan Mastiff Conformation 54
13 BOS Caribou's Island Breed Neapolitan Mastiff Conformation 77
12 BOB Toretto Stolen Kiss Newfoundland Conformation 54
13 BOS Marvellous The Classic Newfoundland Conformation 5795
13 BOS DQK's Small Favour Portuguese Water Dog Conformation 4535
15 HM Singer Nightlight Portuguese Water Dog Conformation 3377
12 BOB DQK's A Whisper and A Clamour Portuguese Water Dog Conformation 7536
16 PICK BTR's Three-Part Harmony Pyrenean Mastiff Conformation 0
12 BOB Amulet Radient Blackheart Rottweiler Conformation 116
15 HM Vorzeigen's Bombs At Dawn Rottweiler Conformation 7036
13 BOS Clover's Stronger then Life Rottweiler Conformation 48
15 HM Dbltake's In The Sunlight Samoyed Conformation 1287
15 HM BTR's The Number On Your Soul Sarplaninac Conformation 0
12 BOB WinterWind It's Party Time at Centuri Siberian Husky Conformation 37
13 BOS Horizon's Mr. Moonlight Siberian Husky Conformation 8308
16 PICK SWSK's In All Reality South Russian Ovtcharka Conformation 7036
15 HM Caribou's Overrated Spanish Mastiff Conformation 77
15 HM Pembrook's More Playing St. Bernard Conformation 3859
16 PICK MexiKanisch Deep Blue Standard Schnauzer Conformation 7985
15 HM Inferno/Lionks White Snow in the Night Tatra Shepherd Dog Conformation 0
12 BOB SWSK's Dark Side Tibetan Mastiff Conformation 4188
13 BOS Lakeshore's Cyrano de Bergerac Tibetan Mastiff Conformation 0
15 HM Cargo's Cyrano's Muse Tibetan Mastiff Conformation 0
15 HM Mirror Blue's A Charge to Keep Tosa Inu Conformation 7420
8 G1 Loango Itoori Izegbe Dogo Canario Conformation 8474
9 G2 Witz's Future Framed German Pinscher Conformation 4854
10 G3 Amadeo Cactus Cash Dobermann Conformation 169
11 G4 SWSK's Dark Side Tibetan Mastiff Conformation 4188
1 BIS Sandalwood I'm Your Biggest Fan Greyhound Conformation 0
2 BW Loango Optima Golden Retriever Conformation 8474
3 RW Loango Itoori Izegbe Dogo Canario Conformation 8474
4 W1 Filigree Offered as a Bribe Italian Greyhound Conformation 3859
5 W2 Fango's Brilliant Resistance Australian Shepherd Conformation 3377
6 W3 Piccadilly Hallelujah Chorus Lhasa Apso Conformation 169
7 W4 Loango Undina Irish Terrier Conformation 8474