West Highland White Terrier
Breed Files
Filename: WestieP
Offset: EEAA
Base: Scottie
SCP: Scottie
Accepted: January 5, 2006
Filename: West Highland White Terrier
Offset: 6164
Base: Scottie
SCP: Scottie
Accepted: January 4, 2006
Filename: West Highland White Terrier
Offset: 6164
Base: Scottie
SCP: Scottie
Accepted: December 30, 2005
Notes: Fixed tail and hindquarters.
Filename: WestieP
Offset: EEAA
Base: Mutt
SCP: Mutt
Accepted: June 28, 2004
Notes: Version 2 of the Paranoia file. The file comes with several different body variations: 2 Ruff, 3 Tail, 2 Head fuzz, 4 Body length, 2 Leg length, 3 Eye colour.
Angled legs, different kinds of addballs, but moves okay. 2nd generations fine.
Filename: West Highland White Terrier
Offset: 6164
Base: Scottie
SCP: Scottie
Accepted: December 5, 2003
Notes: The Black and White Kennel westie file has featherings which will grow in as the dog ages. It is an updated version of the APKC Westie file.
Filename: West Highland White
Offset: 2606
Base: Dalmatian
SCP: Dalmatian
Accepted: July 15, 1998
Notes: Addballs tail, feathering, and ears. Angled legs. 3 underside variations and 4 tail variations.
2nd gens may have slightly smaller balls in some areas.