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Static #61

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Static #61

Judged by: 1403

Closed: October 10, 2020

Hidden Placement Showname Breed Type Owner
69 BCP NSP's Thank You For Caring Mixed Breed Cat Companion Novice 11363
69 BCP Rojo's Tempted Creampuff Mixed Breed Dog Companion Novice 11363
70 RCP Royalty's Smooth As Molasses Mixed Breed Dog Companion Novice 11363
69 BCP Alohomora’s Parthian Tactics Orange Shorthair Companion Novice 178
69 BCP Confetti's That's The Sniff Dalmatian Companion Novice 11363
72 BCP Feral's Fatboi Slim of Bohème Mixed Breed Cat Companion Intermediate 321
73 RCP Aniseed's awlkin pttygrv prk Mixed Breed Cat Companion Intermediate 9858
72 BCP Medusa Sugar Glazed Mixed Breed Dog Companion Intermediate 11363
72 BCP Grit'z Kind of a Big Deal Mixed Breed Dog Companion Intermediate 12264
72 BCP Frogbowl Siren Song Orange Shorthair Companion Intermediate 178
73 RCP Bericle Boum boum Abyssinian Companion Intermediate 9858
72 BCP Rebel's BLUE Border Collie Companion Intermediate 7124
73 RCP Obscurity's Nod Off Golden Retriever Companion Intermediate 3859
75 BCP Feral's Devastation Of Rejection Mixed Breed Cat Companion Advanced 321
75 BCP Medusa Under The Sun Mixed Breed Dog Companion Advanced 11363
76 RCP Hepatica's Sand and Sun at Medusa Mixed Breed Dog Companion Advanced 11363
75 BCP Swallowtail's Roan Magic Orange Shorthair Companion Advanced 178
75 BCP Thor's Viking Hofferson Miniature Dachshund Companion Advanced 12264