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Fango's April Fools #22

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Fango's April Fools #22

Judged by: 4548

Closed: April 4, 2013

Hidden Placement Showname Breed Type Owner
69 BCP LF's Ball of Poof Mixed Breed Cat Companion Novice 9579
70 RCP ZB Dash of This Mixed Breed Cat Companion Novice 9579
71 HMCP Feral/Spi's Awful Endings Mixed Breed Cat Companion Novice 321
71 HMCP Boheme's Sterling Reputation Mixed Breed Cat Companion Novice 10307
71 HMCP Bohème Logical Conclusion Mixed Breed Cat Companion Novice 30
71 HMCP D-d-did you see th-that?! of SW Mixed Breed Cat Companion Novice 10307
72 BCP Feral's Inheritance Mixed Breed Cat Companion Intermediate 321
73 RCP Take a Chance at Bohème Mixed Breed Cat Companion Intermediate 30
74 HMCP Pawz Fighting Chance Mixed Breed Cat Companion Intermediate 54
74 HMCP PI's Miss Sally Mixed Breed Cat Companion Intermediate 30
75 BCP OKC's Gold Digger Mixed Breed Cat Companion Advanced 8644
76 RCP Viva's Venezia Mixed Breed Cat Companion Advanced 7920
69 BCP Little Wolf of Attitude Mixed Breed Dog Companion Novice 9579
70 RCP LF's Black and White Mixed Breed Dog Companion Novice 9579
71 HMCP Static Drinking Games Mixed Breed Dog Companion Novice 1403
71 HMCP FK/Ohmri's Youthful Daze Mixed Breed Dog Companion Novice 9650
72 BCP PDH's Carpe Diem Mixed Breed Dog Companion Intermediate 76
73 RCP Orca's Kate Plus Eight Mixed Breed Dog Companion Intermediate 30
75 BCP Girl of Dallas of Attitude Mixed Breed Dog Companion Advanced 9579
69 BCP Static Little Sins In Life Calico Companion Novice 54
70 RCP AJP's Through The Valley Desert Lynx Companion Novice 8644
72 BCP Viva's Winter Silence Persian Companion Intermediate 7920
75 BCP Viva's Beyond the Stars Siberian Companion Advanced 7920
69 BCP DJK's Small Town Regrets Australian Cattle Dog Companion Novice 212
70 RCP Ohmri's Look At Your Friends Shetland Sheepdog Companion Novice 4296
71 HMCP Shadowfox Keep Talking Australian Shepherd Companion Novice 1403
71 HMCP Northern Lights' Extrordinary Siberian Husky Companion Novice 8394
72 BCP World Domination at Kezia Dobermann Companion Intermediate 4238
73 RCP Vehemens' To the Rescue Tibetan Mastiff Companion Intermediate 8104
75 BCP Silversheene's The Tragedy Shetland Sheepdog Companion Advanced 4296