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Carpe Diem #36

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Carpe Diem #36

Judged by: 113

Closed: January 1, 2014

Hidden Placement Showname Breed Type Owner
54 1st Kattguld's Everything That Matters German Rex Aptitude Open 192
55 2nd Lakeshore/Mirror Blue's Made For Eachother Maine Coon Aptitude Open 7420
56 3rd PI's Kandy Kounter Girl Burmilla Aptitude Open 30
57 4th PI's Hawaiian Punch Turkish Angora Aptitude Open 30
49 1st Varekai Quick Brown Fox Mixed Breed Cat Aptitude Novice 9579
50 2nd Singsong Antiques et Curiosités Orange Shorthair Aptitude Novice 1520
51 3rd PI's Flip in a Ball Russian Blue Aptitude Novice 30
52 4th 10k's Fire in Her Veins Maine Coon Aptitude Novice 7420
53 HM Lakeshore's Charcoal Grill Persian Aptitude Novice 30
53 HM HelKat Dappled Dreams Bengal Aptitude Novice 7612
53 HM PI's Queen of the Streets Maine Coon Aptitude Novice 7420
53 HM 10k's Fun Stuff at Amaranthine Mixed Breed Cat Aptitude Novice 3795