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Catz with Attitude #39

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Catz with Attitude #39

Judged by: 113

Closed: August 8, 2020

Hidden Placement Showname Breed Type Owner
49 1st Kaleidoscope's Garden Flower Calico Aptitude Novice 9055
50 2nd Swallowtail's Rose Bush Orange Shorthair Aptitude Novice 178
51 3rd Kaleidoscope's Windswept Wonder Russian Blue Aptitude Novice 9055
52 4th Nova Blue Born To Fly Ojos Azules Aptitude Novice 36
53 HM Swallowtail's Wild Picta Orange Shorthair Aptitude Novice 178
53 HM Sakura's Tickle My Fancy Mixed Breed Cat Aptitude Novice 36
54 1st Swallowtail's Flotilla Orange Shorthair Aptitude Open 178
55 2nd Kaleidoscope's Lion Heart Calico Aptitude Open 9055
56 3rd Swallowtail's Glossy Libel Orange Shorthair Aptitude Open 178
57 4th PRKC's Cat Power Mixed Breed Cat Aptitude Open 12264