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ACK Aptitude #6

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ACK Aptitude #6

Judged by: 9859

Closed: August 8, 2019

Hidden Placement Showname Breed Type Owner
49 1st Phobia Lilac and Gooseberries Orange Shorthair Aptitude Novice 94
50 2nd Brytyjski What the Hex? Orange Shorthair Aptitude Novice 94
51 3rd Phobia Obsessive Compulsive Orange Shorthair Aptitude Novice 94
52 4th Phobia Champagne Supernova Orange Shorthair Aptitude Novice 94
53 HM Phobia Fear of Being Ignored Orange Shorthair Aptitude Novice 94
53 HM Alleyoop Wilderness of the Gods Alley Cat Aptitude Novice 3859
54 1st Phobia Blood and Wine Orange Shorthair Aptitude Open 94
55 2nd Phobia Fear of Rain Orange Shorthair Aptitude Open 94