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BraveK9's Companion Show #2

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BraveK9's Companion Show #2

Judged by: 7908

Closed: May 5, 2014

Hidden Placement Showname Breed Type Owner
69 BCP Tali's Salem Bound Mixed Breed Cat Companion Novice 10784
70 RCP SDX's Acts of Kindness at PRKC Mixed Breed Cat Companion Novice 10784
70 RCP The Girl In The Red Bandanna At Hepatica Mixed Breed Dog Companion Novice 9658
70 RCP Cirrutopia's Smarty Pants British Longhair Companion Novice 46
69 BCP Arrow's Safeguard Australian Shepherd Companion Novice 7619
70 RCP Rebel Ordinary Expectations at Starstrukk Mudi Companion Novice 6361
73 RCP Cargo's A very Merry Christmas Standard Dachshund Companion Intermediate 4457