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Mirror Blue Aptitude #3

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Mirror Blue Aptitude #3

Judged by: 7420

Closed: January 1, 2012

Hidden Placement Showname Breed Type Owner
49 1st SDX/Kyoushiro's Bumblebees Mixed Breed Cat Aptitude Novice 8113
50 2nd PDH's That's All Folks Calico Aptitude Novice 9579
51 3rd Pawz Lovey Dovey Mixed Breed Cat Aptitude Novice 9579
51 3rd Evergreen's Berries And Cream Munchkin Aptitude Novice 8644
53 HM Kattguld Surfing Wolf Black and White Shorthair Aptitude Novice 6
53 HM Sunrise Little Lynx Mixed Breed Cat Aptitude Novice 2440
53 HM Signature's Brand Name Kurilian Bobtail Aptitude Novice 9837
53 HM Signature's Space Ghost Kurilian Bobtail Aptitude Novice 9837
53 HM Kattguld Simply Starstruck Calico Aptitude Novice 6
53 HM Kattguld Summer Romance Calico Aptitude Novice 6
53 HM Pawz Demanding Persian Aptitude Novice 9579
53 HM Pawz He's the Man Calico Aptitude Novice 10784
54 1st LWH's Peanuts and Caramel Tabby Aptitude Open 9579
55 2nd LWH's Melted Chocolate Tabby Aptitude Open 9579