
Owner: 9870







There are 35 petz in this kennel.

PKC# Showname Call Name Breed Sex
P125889 Flower'z Star of Pride Zvesdolap Siamese M
A125152 Flower'z Shining River Gvozdika Russian Blue F
A134509 Flower'z Divine Key Pestrolistaya Calico F
A134510 Flower'z Divine Day Yarogrivaya Calico F
A125885 Flower'z Bigheart Autumn Princess Dina American Bobtail F
A128561 MoonSelenite's Fireleaf Caroline Kurilian Bobtail F
A128562 MoonSelenite's Innocent Princess Serenity Kurilian Bobtail F
A128563 MoonSelenite's Space Firefly Michael Kurilian Bobtail M
A128580 MoonSelenite's Black Count Nemesis Kurilian Bobtail M
A125872 Barsa at FAVORITe Barsa Maine Coon F
A125905 Flower'z Golden Song of Leaf Fall Ellen Maine Coon F
A124675 Flower'z Glados Athena Alissia Glados Ragdoll F
A124689 Flower'z Nancy Seraphima Victoria Nancy Ragdoll F
A127272 Comatose Mountian Tea Tea Ragdoll F
A128821 Flower'z Velvet Yuliano Mercury Velvet Ragdoll M
A125873 Flower'z My Lovely Polar Star Light Siberian Husky M
A127070 Flower'z Fragile Pure Angel Rika Siberian Husky F
P124668 Flower'z Fluffy Flower Narcissus Mixed Breed Cat M
P125034 Flower'z Red Star on Snow Nosochka Mixed Breed Cat F
P125077 Flower'z Bright Red Heart Pestryanka Mixed Breed Cat F
P125129 Flower'z Brave Heart Korushka Mixed Breed Cat M
P125148 Flower'z Bright Soul Belouh Mixed Breed Cat M
P125149 Flower'z Black Moon Dymoglazka Mixed Breed Cat F
P125150 Flower'z Fur Knight Belohvostik Mixed Breed Cat M
P125151 Flower'z Starry Sky Chernoshyochka Mixed Breed Cat F
P125864 Flower'z Dancing Fire of Destiny Ogneshorst Mixed Breed Cat M
P125890 Flower'z Ice & Fire in One Heart Dymka Mixed Breed Cat F
P125914 Flower'z Honey Fluffy Princess Osa Mixed Breed Cat F
P126937 Flower'z November Snow Vtorosneg Mixed Breed Cat M
P127265 Flower'z Sweetie Sweet Sgushyonka Mixed Breed Cat F
P127266 Flower'z Caramel Sparrow Serovek Mixed Breed Cat M
P127523 Heritage Flower'z Furry Pheasant Pestrogriv Mixed Breed Cat M
P142337 Flower'z Wonder Cloud Gornostaya Mixed Breed Cat F
P142349 Flower'z Countess of Sands Yarolistochka Mixed Breed Cat F
P142350 Flower'z Firedancing Tigress Kornehvostka Mixed Breed Cat F