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Catz with Attitude #14

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Catz with Attitude #14

Judged by: 9579

Closed: March 3, 2017

Hidden Placement Showname Breed Type Owner
57 4th Espionage Mistakes are Fatal American Wirehair Aptitude Open 10307
56 3rd Epica Hasta La Vista British Shorthair Aptitude Open 5408
54 1st PD's Never Miss A Beat British Shorthair Aptitude Open 5408
55 2nd PRKC's Emerald Eyes Mixed Breed Cat Aptitude Open 10784
53 HM SW Razzle Dazzle Mixed Breed Cat Aptitude Novice 10307
53 HM Serendipity's Blown Away Ojos Azules Aptitude Novice 21
52 4th Boheme's Lady Killer Mixed Breed Cat Aptitude Novice 10307
51 3rd Serendipity's All at Sea Russian Blue Aptitude Novice 21
49 1st Serendipity's Donald Duck Turkish Van Aptitude Novice 21
50 2nd Dreamwater Sea Crest Ojos Azules Aptitude Novice 21
53 HM Kurilian Country's Big Girls Don't Cry Kurilian Bobtail Aptitude Novice 5408
53 HM Bohème Braggadocio Calico Aptitude Novice 10307
53 HM Epica Attack! British Shorthair Aptitude Novice 5408
53 HM D-d-did you see th-that?! of SW Mixed Breed Cat Aptitude Novice 10307