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Lua Azul #25

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Lua Azul #25

Judged by: 76

Closed: January 1, 2016

Hidden Placement Showname Breed Type Owner
69 BCP Novablue Orange Bootz Mixed Breed Cat Companion Novice 36
70 RCP Varekai/Moggie's By the Wayside Mixed Breed Cat Companion Novice 3859
72 BCP PRKC's Smiling Pete Mixed Breed Cat Companion Intermediate 36
73 RCP Cargo's Madagascar Red Mixed Breed Cat Companion Intermediate 10784
74 HMCP Sakura's Bold Encounter Mixed Breed Cat Companion Intermediate 36
74 HMCP NSP's Key Ingredient Mixed Breed Cat Companion Intermediate 3859
75 BCP Moggie's The Lost Hours Mixed Breed Cat Companion Advanced 10784
69 BCP Parade's By Any Other Name Mixed Breed Dog Companion Novice 3859
72 BCP Felixstowe the Devil for Women Mixed Breed Dog Companion Intermediate 9223
73 RCP Filigree's Tastes Like Purple Mixed Breed Dog Companion Intermediate 3859
75 BCP PRKC's Deep Blue Mixed Breed Dog Companion Advanced 9223
69 BCP PRKC's Question the Doubt Tabby Companion Novice 10784
72 BCP LWH's Exotic Beauty Exotic Companion Intermediate 10784
76 RCP KE's Greatest Expectations Tabby Companion Advanced 10784
69 BCP Dragosani NOWA GENERACJA Thunderstruck Border Collie Companion Novice 8538
72 BCP Hepatica Touching The Sky Tibetan Mastiff Companion Intermediate 1673