
Owner: 11770







There are 28 petz in this kennel.

PKC# Showname Call Name Breed Sex
A162903 Rapide Rises Like the Earth Lana Nebelung F
A162905 Rapide Followed by Dark Eyes Yara Nebelung F
A162906 Rapide Steals From the Moon Xane Nebelung M
A162907 Rapide Burned Into the Past Kaia Nebelung F
A162909 Rapide Speaker For the Rain Tasa Nebelung F
A164347 DJV's Devious Wallflower Daisy Snowshoe F
A162530 Solifugae Queen of the Clouds Lonnie Manx F
A162538 Solifugae Mariner's Timeless Tomb Desch Manx M
A162607 Solifugae Endless Sea of Sand Baska Manx M
A162626 Solifugae Echoes the Ballad Glaidi Manx F
A162627 Solifugae Heaven's Darkened Face Sahera Manx F
A164126 Solifugae Paradise Seeker Jaxx Manx M
A164580 Solifugae Element of Treachery Balthier Manx M
A163891 Solifugae Gilded Solitude Melodin Highlander M
A163892 Solifugae Golden Eclipse Briemme Highlander F
A163893 Solifugae Evening Ashes Cyndell Highlander F
A164129 Solifugae Blue Diamond Jahdiel Highlander M
P152691 SSC's Star Light, Star Bright Starlight Maine Coon F
P156393 GRK's Reeks of Awesomeness Edge Maine Coon M
A162982 Rapide The Sun Also Rises Izidor Ibizan Hound M
A163105 Zodiark A Better Day Nike White Shepherd F
A163106 Zodiark Lonely Cyborg Genos White Shepherd M
A163120 Zodiark Days to Come Azrael White Shepherd M
A163121 Zodiark Aero Chord Zared White Shepherd M
A163183 Zodiark Worlds Apart Shiva White Shepherd F
A162703 GuA's Solifugae Thanatos Thane Boxer M
A163075 Solifugae Against All Golds Devlan Boxer F
P162704 Vaiven Fall in Secret Love of Erstwhile Evik Mixed Breed Dog M