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Petz Island #37

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Petz Island #37

Judged by: 30

Closed: January 1, 2014

Hidden Placement Showname Breed Type Owner
54 1st Epica's Sing All Summer Maine Coon Aptitude Open 7420
55 2nd Mirror Blue's Take to the Earth and Sky Maine Coon Aptitude Open 7420
56 3rd Mirror Blue's Save Me The Waltz Maine Coon Aptitude Open 7420
57 4th Mirror Blue's Pumpkin Cat Maine Coon Aptitude Open 7420
53 HM NSP's 'Til the Sun Explodes Maine Coon Aptitude Novice 9266
51 3rd AJP's Big Boy Maine Coon Aptitude Novice 192
50 2nd OAK's Army Men and Legos at 10k Mixed Breed Cat Aptitude Novice 9266
49 1st Singsong Antiques et Curiosités Orange Shorthair Aptitude Novice 1520
52 4th PI's Queen of the Streets Maine Coon Aptitude Novice 7420
53 HM Mirror Blue's A Sweeter Song Maine Coon Aptitude Novice 7420
53 HM Brytyjski's Timekeeper of Eternity American Bobtail Aptitude Novice 9266
53 HM 10k's Reckless Love American Bobtail Aptitude Novice 9266
53 HM Mirror Blue's Flower of the Fields Maine Coon Aptitude Novice 7420
53 HM Lakeshore/Mirror Blue's Seas of Fire Maine Coon Aptitude Novice 7420
53 HM 10k's Boxful of Nothing Oriental Longhair Aptitude Novice 9266
53 HM Christmas Tree at Epica American Bobtail Aptitude Novice 9266
53 HM Arrow's Mixtape Alley Cat Aptitude Novice 7619
53 HM 10k's Fire in Her Veins Maine Coon Aptitude Novice 7420
53 HM 10k's Summer Don't Know Me American Bobtail Aptitude Novice 9266
53 HM 10k's The Beat of the Drums Oriental Longhair Aptitude Novice 9266
53 HM Amaranthine's Whispering Cedar German Rex Aptitude Novice 3795
53 HM 10k's I Won't Forget Manx Aptitude Novice 9266
52 4th Mirror Blue's A Word Washed Ashore Maine Coon Aptitude Novice 7420
53 HM 10k's This is Gospel Mixed Breed Cat Aptitude Novice 9266
53 HM 10k's What a Catch, Donnie Siamese Aptitude Novice 9266
53 HM Mirror Blue's Brackish Boy Maine Coon Aptitude Novice 7420
53 HM Mirror Blue's Apres Moi, Le Deluge Maine Coon Aptitude Novice 7420
53 HM SKS River Queen Toyger Aptitude Novice 7612
53 HM Rebirth's Evil Eye Maine Coon Aptitude Novice 9266
53 HM 10k's Once in a Blue Moon Maine Coon Aptitude Novice 9266
53 HM 10k's Be My Shelter Oriental Longhair Aptitude Novice 9266