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Bramblewood #22

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Bramblewood #22

Judged by: 36

Closed: January 1, 2014

Hidden Placement Showname Breed Type Owner
54 1st Kattguld's Everything That Matters German Rex Aptitude Open 192
55 2nd Lakeshore's Treat for Free Abyssinian Aptitude Open 30
56 3rd PI's I'll Take My Stand British Shorthair Aptitude Open 30
49 1st PI's Queen of the Streets Maine Coon Aptitude Novice 7420
51 3rd PI's Many Different Shades Japanese Bobtail Aptitude Novice 30
52 4th AJP's You Owe Me Maine Coon Aptitude Novice 192
53 HM Epica Chasing The Dragon American Wirehair Aptitude Novice 5408
53 HM Phobia Fear of Kissing Orange Shorthair Aptitude Novice 94
53 HM 10k's Fire in Her Veins Maine Coon Aptitude Novice 7420
53 HM Singsong Scare Floor Orange Shorthair Aptitude Novice 1520
53 HM SWSK's Our Mrs Reynolds Mixed Breed Cat Aptitude Novice 113
53 HM Rebirth's Evil Eye Maine Coon Aptitude Novice 9266
53 HM 10k's Be My Shelter Oriental Longhair Aptitude Novice 9266
53 HM 10k's Tree Stump American Bobtail Aptitude Novice 9266
53 HM 10k's This is Gospel Mixed Breed Cat Aptitude Novice 9266
53 HM Mirror Blue's A Word Washed Ashore Maine Coon Aptitude Novice 7420
53 HM PI's Chinese Tradition Balinese Aptitude Novice 30
53 HM BHC Fiesta Bowl Turkish Angora Aptitude Novice 30
53 HM PI's The Golden Goblet LaPerm Aptitude Novice 30
53 HM SWSK's Achilles Heel Mixed Breed Cat Aptitude Novice 9266
53 HM Fluffbutt of Saudade Maine Coon Aptitude Novice 11029
53 HM Arrow's Rebel Alley Cat Aptitude Novice 7619
53 HM Mirror Blue's Flower of the Fields Maine Coon Aptitude Novice 7420
53 HM Phobia Fear of Dreams Orange Shorthair Aptitude Novice 94
53 HM Phobia Fear of Insanity Orange Shorthair Aptitude Novice 94
53 HM Mirror Blue's Kill Your Heroes Maine Coon Aptitude Novice 7420
53 HM Lakeshore/Mirror Blue's Seas of Fire Maine Coon Aptitude Novice 7420
53 HM Epica Iron In The Fire American Wirehair Aptitude Novice 5408
53 HM 10k's Reckless Love American Bobtail Aptitude Novice 9266
57 4th Riverside/Sakura's Lot Like Koko Snowshoe Aptitude Open 30
53 HM Mirror Blue's Stars to Ignite Maine Coon Aptitude Novice 7420
53 HM Phobia Fear of the Sun Orange Shorthair Aptitude Novice 94