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Supernova #19

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Supernova #19

Judged by: 6

Closed: August 8, 2007

Hidden Placement Showname Breed Type Owner
49 1st PI's Hong Kong Oriental Shorthair Aptitude Novice 30
50 2nd Daerlicht Desire Peterbald Aptitude Novice 5830
51 3rd PI's Squeak Squeak Devon Rex Aptitude Novice 30
52 4th PI's Spring Escatsy American Bobtail Aptitude Novice 30
53 HM PI's I'll Take My Stand British Shorthair Aptitude Novice 30
53 HM Worwood's All Fired Up Black and White Shorthair Aptitude Novice 80
54 1st PI's High Tide In Hawaii Black and White Shorthair Aptitude Open 30
55 2nd PI/FT's Biggest of Them All Maine Coon Aptitude Open 30
56 3rd PI's Best Kitty In The World Abyssinian Aptitude Open 30
57 4th PI's Hot Cocoa and Marshmellows Siamese Aptitude Open 30