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Mystic Mountain #1

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Mystic Mountain #1

Judged by: 0

Closed: December 12, 2002

Hidden Placement Showname Breed Type Owner
69 BCP OUM's Shaken Not Stirred Mixed Breed Cat Companion Novice 0
70 RCP PKC's Store of Unknown Wins Korat Companion Novice 103
71 HMCP OUM's Never Forget Mixed Breed Cat Companion Novice 0
69 BCP Unsound's Bring's Out The Real You Great Dane Companion Novice 0
70 RCP PKC's Store of Unknown Wins Korat Companion Novice 103
71 HMCP Unsound's I Fell Off My Chair Great Dane Companion Novice 0
71 HMCP PDH's Castle In The North Mixed Breed Dog Companion Novice 76