Great Dane



Black & Harlequin
White Markings: Allowed as trim on the chest and toes, irish spotting, blanket, piebald or extreme spotting pattern. Slight ticking allowed. In piebalds and extreme whites, the head should be solid-coloured, with a white muzzle and/or blaze. Patches preferred over a clear white body.
Harlequin Modified form of merle - with torn patches. There may be a few patches among them, but this is not preferred.
The dog must have at least one medium size patch on the front end, two on the belly/middle area and one on the back end. An appearance of a large solid-coloured blanket, a mostly white body with mainly tiny spots, or many very small spots giving a ticked appearance is not desirable. All harlequins may have flesh spots around the eyes and/or muzzle.
For selectively bred harlequins, the dog must have at least 3 spots on the front section (head not included in count), at least 2 spots on the middle section and at least 3 spots on the hind section.

Any Other Variety
PF Magic danes only with mask or with a mask
Brindle: with striping.
Urajiro: Allowed on all of the above.
Masking: All except blue dogz may have masking (standard mask). Masking is optional but strongly preferred. A bit of on the jowls as premature greying is allowed.
White Markings: Allowed as trim on the chest and toes, but is not preferred.


in all except blues which have - is accepted but faulted in blue dogz.
Harlequins may have one or two or , with teal less preferred.
allowed in all colours, less preferred.
and odd-eyed green-teal is allowed but less preferred in the PFM file.


except in blues which have
Harlequins may have or or a mixture, but solid flesh is faulted for this colour and DQ in all others.


Wrong nose colour. Wrong eye colour. Solid flesh nose on a Harlequin. Large grey patches in an otherwise black-marked harlequin.


Flesh nose or blue eyes in a non-harlequin dog.
Green or odd-eyed green-teal in a non-PFM file.


AOV, Black & Harlequin


The great dane, or 'deutsche dogge' ('german mastiff') as its called in is homecountry Germany is one of the largest and most majestic of all breeds, sometimes known as the Apollo of the dog world. It originates from old hunting mastiffs, but today it is kept as a companion and guard dog. It must be treated carefully and exercised just right as a puppy to grow correctly.
This standard is a blend of FCI, AKC, KC and the PFM dane.

The great dane should give the impression of combined pride, power and elegance with a noble air about it.
The head is enlongated with a deep muzzle. The head should appear clearly cut out with quite sharp corners no matter which angle it is viewed from. The eyes should have an alert and intelligent expression. The ears can be cropped or natural. The neck is long, dry and beautifully arched. The chest is broad and deep with good tuck up and straight back. The legs are well angulated. The tail is hanging or curved, long enough to reach the hocks. he coat is short, thick and glossy.

Breed Files

Filename: Great Dane
Offset: F403
Base: Great Dane
SCP: Great Dane
Accepted: April 18, 2014
Notes: Overwrites original Great Dane. 2 ear variations (1 is the original PFM crop, other is addball), 6 tails (1 is the original PFM) and 2 nose shine variations.

Filename: Abno Great Dane
Offset: C3A3
Base: Great Dane
SCP: Great Dane
Accepted: February 28, 2010
Notes: Two addballz ear variations, three addballz tail variations and two tuck-up variations. Liplinez. Abnormality version 4 (does not breed true with version 3 - bred dogz that are too large are not A-reg)

Filename: Great Dane
Offset: F403
Base: Great Dane
SCP: Great Dane
Accepted: November 25, 2006
Notes: Addball tails (four carriage variations), optional claws and liplines, uses addballz in the body and muzzle. Angled legs, may not be suitable for OD.

Filename: Abno Great Dane
Offset: DF59
Base: Dalmatian
SCP: Great Dane
Accepted: October 24, 2006
Notes: Version 3 of the Abnormality file. Addballz tail and ears, cropped and uncropped variations included in file, two tail variations, not suitable for OD. 2nd gens lack part of the neck linez in the front and may have slightly higher rears.

Filename: Abno Great Dane
Offset: C3A3
Base: Dalmatian
SCP: Dalmatian
Accepted: April 1, 2006
Notes: The hindleg movements may affect this dog's ability to perform Obedience. 2nd gens are slightly smaller and shorter. They are equally accepted, however.

Filename: Abno Great Dane
Offset: C3A3
Accepted: April 1, 2006
Notes: Version 2 of the Abnormality file. Angled legs and addball tail. Unlikely to perform obedience due to extended body and legs. Movements okay, but sit is a bit off.

Filename: Great dane
Offset: F403
Base: Great Dane
SCP: Great Dane
Accepted: December 31, 2005
Notes: Angled legs.

Filename: CA Great Dane
Offset: 7E25
Accepted: February 11, 2005

Accepted: October 16, 2004
Notes: Selective bred natural-eared variety of the Abnormality file version 1.

Accepted: September 1, 1998
Notes: The original PF Magic file, selectively bred to have dalmatian ears.

Filename: Great Dane
Offset: F403
Base: Great Dane
SCP: Great Dane
Accepted: September 1, 1998
Notes: The original unhexed PFMagic file, as released for Petz II.