Semicolons Are Silly of Stumbled ACP


Petz Info

Showname: Semicolons Are Silly of Stumbled ACP

Call Name: Juxtapose

PKC#: P85145

Breed: Kurilian Bobtail (Longhair)

Sex: M

Version: Petz 3

Owned by: 0

Hexed/Bred by:

Handled by:

Registered by: 6 on July 7, 2009

Status: Abandoned


Accidental inbreeding, but he was a lovely P-reg cat so I kept him


This petz has no offspring.


Placements & Titles

Placement Show Type Date
BCP Thistle Hollow #12 Companion Novice July 11, 2009
HMCP Chinese Lotus #13 Companion Novice August 10, 2009
HMCP Thistle Hollow #13 Companion Novice August 14, 2009
HMCP Kamvis #12 Companion Novice August 30, 2009
HMCP Chinese Lotus #14 Companion Intermediate September 26, 2009
RCP Rockstar #3 Companion Intermediate October 11, 2009
BCP Thistle Hollow #18 Companion Intermediate December 12, 2009
RCP Feral's Break Show #11 Companion Intermediate January 8, 2010
BCP Thistle Hollow #20 Companion Advanced February 6, 2010
BCP Rockstar #6 Companion Advanced January 24, 2010
RCP Fango #6 Companion Advanced February 20, 2010
RCP Argent Companion Advanced February 18, 2010
Title Date
NCP September 5, 2009
ICP January 15, 2010
ACP March 1, 2010