GCh Cargo's Hush of Feathers


Petz Info

Showname: GCh Cargo's Hush of Feathers

Call Name: Reminisce

PKC#: A85050

Breed: Oriental Longhair

Sex: M

Version: Petz 3

Owned by: 3354

Hexed/Bred by:

Handled by:

Registered by: 6 on July 6, 2009

Status: Retired


BOB - Lakeshore #42 (Major) - July 14th, 2009
BOB - Bohème #32 (Major) - July 17th, 2009
BOS - Welcome Back Gunhill #4 - August 4th, 2009
BOB - Carpe Diem #18 (Minor) - August 7th, 2009
BOB - Fango #7 (Minor) - August 10th, 2009
BOS - Samhradh #15 (Minor) - August 20th, 2009

4 major / 8 minor

BOS - DeeOhGee&SeeAhTay Grand August - August 21 2019
AOM - Fango Grand - September 30 2019
BOB - Supernova Grand - October 18 2019
BOB - Filigree Grand #18 - October 21 2019
BOB, G1, W2 - Fango Grand - January 20 2020

10/10 Grand Conformation


GCh Cargo's Hush of Feathers
Unknown Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown

Placements & Titles

Placement Show Type Date
BOB Lakeshore Kennelz #42 Conformation July 14, 2009
BOB Bohème #32 Conformation July 17, 2009
BOB Carpe Diem #18 Conformation August 7, 2009
BOB Fango #7 Conformation August 10, 2009
BOS Samhradh Back to School Weepfest #15 Conformation August 20, 2009
BOS Welcome Back Gunhill Minor Conformation! #4 Conformation August 4, 2009
BOS DeeOhGee&SeeAhTay Grand August Grand Conformation August 21, 2019
AOM Fango Grand Conformation September 30, 2019
BOB Supernova Grand Conformation October 18, 2019
BOB Filigree #18 Grand Conformation October 21, 2019
BOB Fango Grand Conformation January 20, 2020
G1 Fango Grand Conformation January 20, 2020
W2 Fango Grand Conformation January 20, 2020
Title Date
Ch August 24, 2009
GCh January 29, 2020