GCh Myriad Black Sheep


Petz Info

Showname: GCh Myriad Black Sheep

Call Name: Kuro

PKC#: A167422

Breed: Kai

Sex: F

Version: Petz 3

Owned by: 7960

Hexed/Bred by:

Handled by:

Registered by: 6 on July 6, 2016

Status: Active


GCh Myriad Black Sheep
Unknown Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown

Placements & Titles

Placement Show Type Date
BOB Static's Summer Soiree #29 Conformation July 24, 2016
G2 Static's Summer Soiree #29 Conformation July 24, 2016
BOB Filigree Dogz #38 Conformation July 23, 2016
G1 Filigree Dogz #38 Conformation July 23, 2016
W4 Filigree Dogz #38 Conformation July 23, 2016
BOB Bramblewood Dogz Conformation July 25, 2016
BOB Carpe Diem #63 Conformation July 23, 2016
G1 Carpe Diem #63 Conformation July 23, 2016
W1 Carpe Diem #63 Conformation July 23, 2016
BOB LightningStrike Summer Celebration! Conformation July 29, 2016
G2 LightningStrike Summer Celebration! Conformation July 29, 2016
BOB DeeOhGee and SeeAhTay Grand October Grand Conformation October 28, 2016
G2 DeeOhGee and SeeAhTay Grand October Grand Conformation October 28, 2016
BOB Bramblewood #27 Grand Conformation October 16, 2016
G1 Bramblewood #27 Grand Conformation October 16, 2016
W4 Bramblewood #27 Grand Conformation October 16, 2016
BOB Filigree Grand All Breed #8 Grand Conformation October 29, 2016
G4 Filigree Grand All Breed #8 Grand Conformation October 29, 2016
BOB Bramblewood #28 Grand Conformation January 1, 2017
G2 Bramblewood #28 Grand Conformation January 1, 2017
BOB Lua Azul #8 Grand Conformation January 4, 2017
G2 Lua Azul #8 Grand Conformation January 4, 2017
BOB DeeOhGee and SeeAhTay Grand December Grand Conformation December 28, 2016
G3 DeeOhGee and SeeAhTay Grand December Grand Conformation December 28, 2016
Title Date
Ch August 26, 2016
GCh February 11, 2017