GCh Ashcormise Solid Rock


Petz Info

Showname: GCh Ashcormise Solid Rock

Call Name: Rocky

PKC#: A163023

Breed: Japanese Bobtail (Longhair)

Sex: M

Version: Petz 3

Owned by: 7149

Hexed/Bred by: 11588

Handled by:

Registered by: 36 on December 23, 2015

Status: Retired



This petz has no offspring.


GCh Ashcormise Solid Rock
Unknown Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown

Placements & Titles

Placement Show Type Date
AOM DeeOhGee & SeeAhTay #1 Conformation February 20, 2016
BOS JD's Conformation Conformation February 29, 2016
BOB Shameless Love Is In The Air #44 Conformation February 1, 2016
G1 Shameless Love Is In The Air #44 Conformation February 1, 2016
W1 Shameless Love Is In The Air #44 Conformation February 1, 2016
AOM Gunhill Conformation #1 Conformation March 16, 2016
BOS DeeOhGee & SeeAhTay #2 Conformation March 14, 2016
BOB Rebirth Catz Grand #24 Grand Conformation March 27, 2017
G2 Rebirth Catz Grand #24 Grand Conformation March 27, 2017
BOB Supernova Grand Conformation April 21, 2017
AOM Lua Azul #10 Grand Conformation May 20, 2017
BOB Filigree All Breed APRIL #10 Grand Conformation April 25, 2017
BOS Rebirth Catz Grand #26 Grand Conformation June 25, 2017
AOM Fango Grand Conformation June 23, 2017
Title Date
Ch March 21, 2016
GCh August 6, 2017