Boheme The Last Outpost ICP GPC


Petz Info

Showname: Boheme The Last Outpost ICP GPC

Call Name: Benzite

PKC#: P150805

Breed: Mixed Breed Cat

Sex: F

Version: Petz 3

Owned by: 113

Hexed/Bred by:

Handled by:

Registered by: 54 on March 8, 2014

Status: Active



This petz has no offspring.


Boheme The Last Outpost ICP GPC
Unknown Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown

Placements & Titles

Placement Show Type Date
HMCP PrimroseKandC Companion #1 Companion Novice April 15, 2014
HMCP Petz Island #71 Companion Novice April 25, 2014
HMCP Feral's April Show #62 Companion Novice April 30, 2015
HMCP Arcadian Companion Novice July 7, 2015
HMCP Insanity #17 Companion Novice August 28, 2015
RCP Static #35 Companion Intermediate February 29, 2016
HMCP Static Companion #58 Companion Intermediate May 14, 2020
HMCP Wolf's Companion Show #30 Companion Intermediate August 15, 2020
HMCP APK's Companion Show #28 Companion Intermediate August 25, 2020
HMCP Pawzative Attitude Companion #10 Companion Intermediate August 1, 2020
HMCP Medusa Holiday #44 Companion Advanced December 26, 2020
Title Date
NCP October 2, 2015
ICP November 17, 2020
GPC January 20, 2021