GCh Mirror Blue's Dance On Sunset


Petz Info

Showname: GCh Mirror Blue's Dance On Sunset

Call Name: Tuita

PKC#: A129055

Breed: Sokoke

Sex: F

Version: Petz 3

Owned by: 7420

Hexed/Bred by:

Handled by:

Registered by: 3377 on November 29, 2011

Status: Retired



This petz has no offspring.


GCh Mirror Blue's Dance On Sunset
Unknown Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown

Placements & Titles

Placement Show Type Date
BOS Supernova #93 Conformation December 21, 2011
BOS Rebirth Catz #3 Conformation December 23, 2011
HM Fango #44 Conformation October 7, 2013
HM DeeOhGee's Outrageous October Conformation October 20, 2013
PICK Gunhill's Tricks And Treats Halloween Special Conformation October 31, 2013
G2 Gunhill's Tricks And Treats Halloween Special Conformation October 31, 2013
PICK Supernova Conformation November 1, 2013
PICK LightningStrike Conformation October 30, 2013
BOB Fango #45 Conformation November 8, 2013
BOB Rebirth Catz #13 Conformation November 15, 2013
G2 Rebirth Catz #13 Conformation November 15, 2013
PICK Carpe Diem #45 Conformation November 17, 2013
PICK DeeOhGee's Naughty November Conformation November 20, 2013
PICK Bramblewood #30 Conformation November 24, 2013
PICK LightningStrike Conformation November 30, 2013
BOB Rebirth Catz Grand #33 Grand Conformation May 30, 2018
G1 Rebirth Catz Grand #33 Grand Conformation May 30, 2018
BIS Rebirth Catz Grand #33 Grand Conformation May 30, 2018
BOB Rebirth Catz Grand #34 Grand Conformation August 11, 2018
G1 Rebirth Catz Grand #34 Grand Conformation August 11, 2018
BW Rebirth Catz Grand #34 Grand Conformation August 11, 2018
Title Date
Ch December 4, 2013
GCh August 22, 2018