Werewolf hairlessness: The Lykoi's signature semi-hairless coat that causes partial hairlessness. This effect is created using special furfiles. Skin can be dark (

- Minimum fully hairless areas: Mask (around the eyes, nose, muzzle, and chin).
- Maximum fully hairless areas: Mask, front legs up to the wrists, back legs up to the ankles, ears.
- Minimum partially hairless areas: Feet, ears.
- Maximum partially hairless areas: Rest of the cat. Hair is lost from the front legs including the shoulders, back legs including the knees, underbelly, neck, and chest first. Cats with multiple levels of hairiness are preferred over cats with an overall sparse coat.
Any remaining areas of the cat must be fully coated using a Lykoi roan furfile.
White Patterns:: All catz may have a small