Rhodesian Ridgeback



Masking: May be masked with (small or standard mask). Liver pigment dogz always have brown or self ears, but black pigment dogz can have either colour on the ears. All Rhodesians, masked or not, may also have ears.
White Markings: Allowed as trim on chest and toes only.
The ridge should be a darker shade than the rest of the coat.


on liver-nosed dogz.
on black-nosed dogz.
Flesh-nosed dogz can have either colour eyes.


on dogz with a black mask. on dogz with a liver mask. Dogz with no mask may have either of these nose colours or .


Wrong eye colour.


Lack of a ridge on the back.




The Rhodesian ridgeback was created by European settlers in South Africa in the 16th century, who found a breed living with the Hottentot tribe which had a distinctive ridge, and bred this to European dogs. The ridgeback was bred as a versatile hunting dog, capable of everything from hunting lions to flushing partridge. It was also used as a guard dog.

The Rhodesian ridgeback is a strong, muscular breed, capable of good speed and endurance. The overall impression should be of strength and athleticism. The most distinctive feature is the ridge on the back, which is formed by hair growing in the opposite direction to the rest of the coat. The ridge should run from the shoulders to the hips. The coat is sleek and glossy. The tail should be carried with a slight upwards curve. The muzzle is long with a reasonable stop and close-fitting lips. The ridgeback has an even, dignified temperament but is wary of strangers.

Breed Files

Filename: KK RhodesianR
Offset: 6466
Base: Dalmatian
SCP: Great Dane
Accepted: December 7, 2010
Notes: Addball ears, tails (5 variations), ridge and liplines

Filename: Rhodesian ridgeback
Offset: AAA5
Base: Great Dane
SCP: Great Dane
Accepted: December 29, 2005
Notes: Angled legs - movements are okay but sit is off. Tail can be uptail or one of three types of addball droptail.