Show Results

The Wild Road #10

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The Wild Road #10

Judged by: 5408

Closed: February 2, 2020

Hidden Placement Showname Breed Type Owner
49 1st Insanity's In a Bit of a Green Pickle Smooth Collie Obedience Novice 10307
52 4th TopFox/Sheehan And Then Some Smooth Fox Terrier Obedience Novice 36
50 2nd Willowdance Infinite Possibilities Mixed Breed Dog Obedience Novice 10307
51 3rd Aubz Wishmas 2019 Dalmatian Obedience Novice 7124
54 1st TopFox Like No Other Smooth Fox Terrier Obedience Open 36
55 2nd Cargo's Color of the Sun Saluki Obedience Open 3354