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PKC Trial Show #1

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PKC Trial Show #1

Judged by: 103

Closed: January 1, 2002

Hidden Placement Showname Breed Type Owner
49 1st VSK/PI's Startling Realization Siberian Husky Obedience Novice 30
50 2nd PKC's Store of Unknown Wins Korat Obedience Novice 103
51 3rd PKC's Store of Unknown Wins Korat Obedience Novice 103
52 4th PI's Strength of Spirit Siberian Husky Obedience Novice 30
53 HM Kaycee's Long Run Alaskan Malamute Obedience Novice 45
53 HM Paradiz's Jelly Wobble Great Dane Obedience Novice 0
53 HM PKC's Store of Unknown Wins Korat Obedience Novice 103
53 HM PKC's Store of Unknown Wins Korat Obedience Novice 103
54 1st Paradiz's Son of Ra Pharaoh Hound Obedience Open 0