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Of Unsound Mind #17

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Of Unsound Mind #17

Judged by: 0

Closed: May 5, 2003

Hidden Placement Showname Breed Type Owner
49 1st PKC's Store of Unknown Wins Korat Obedience Novice 103
50 2nd D's Buddy Boy Pug Obedience Novice 12
51 3rd PKC's Store of Unknown Wins Korat Obedience Novice 103
52 4th VMP's Christian Cry Labrador Retriever Obedience Novice 9
53 HM Paradiz/CDKC's Running On Empty of JWLK Siberian Husky Obedience Novice 12
53 HM PKC's Store of Unknown Wins Korat Obedience Novice 103