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PKC Trial Show #2

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PKC Trial Show #2

Judged by: 103

Closed: January 1, 2004

Hidden Placement Showname Breed Type Owner
49 1st PKC's Store of Unknown Wins Korat Aptitude Novice 103
50 2nd Rhohar's I Know Everything Black and White Shorthair Aptitude Novice 0
51 3rd PKC's Store of Unknown Wins Korat Aptitude Novice 103
52 4th Rhohar's Legend of the Samurai Tabby Aptitude Novice 0
53 HM PKC's Store of Unknown Wins Korat Aptitude Novice 103
53 HM PKC's Store of Unknown Wins Korat Aptitude Novice 103
54 1st Lakeshore's Fits Purrfectly Maine Coon Aptitude Open 0
50 2nd PKC's Store of Unknown Wins Korat Aptitude Novice 103
51 3rd Triple's Dreaming In Color Manx Aptitude Novice 29
52 4th PKC's Store of Unknown Wins Korat Aptitude Novice 103
53 HM Lakeshore's Tuxedo Cat Black and White Shorthair Aptitude Novice 0
53 HM Rhohar's Legend of the Samurai Tabby Aptitude Novice 0