Show Results

Greyhound #20

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Greyhound #20

Judged by: 84

Closed: October 10, 2003

Hidden Placement Showname Breed Type Owner
33 BBC UMZ/NB's Draconic Equine Greyhound Premier 6
34 BR Leia's Pasha Pook Greyhound Premier 0
35 BHM Leia's Chocolate Smudge Greyhound Premier 0
35 BHM RKO's Isis of Egypt Greyhound Premier 145
35 BHM UMZ's Across The Night Sky Greyhound Premier 55
35 BHM PCK's Toss the Feathers Greyhound Premier 0
35 BHM RKO's Khufu the Enchanted Greyhound Premier 145
35 BHM Leia's Midnight Star Greyhound Premier 0