GCh Cargo's Celestial Sphere


Petz Info

Showname: GCh Cargo's Celestial Sphere

Call Name: Celeste

PKC#: A116150

Breed: Chihuahua (Longhair)

Sex: F

Version: Petz 3

Owned by: 3354

Hexed/Bred by:

Handled by:

Registered by: 6 on December 12, 2010

Status: Retired


Blue masked sable (tan base, blue tipped shading) with cream urajiro and piebald/blanket white markings

BOS - Fango #20 (Minor) - December 17th, 2010
HM - Bohème #40 (Major) - December 20th, 2010
BOS - Arkillian #4 (Minor) - December 20th, 2010
BOB - Riot #5 (Minor) - December 21st, 2010
HM - Lua Azul #14 (Minor) - January 20th, 2011
HM - Wicked #9 (Minor) - February 27th, 2011
HM - Filigree #5 (Minor) - March 16th, 2011

10/10 Conformation

BOB - DeeOhGee&SeeAhTay Grand August - August 21 2019
BOB - Fango Grand - September 30 2019
HM - Supernova Grand - October 18 2019
HM - Filigree Grand #18 - October 21 2019
BOB - Filigree's Last Day of February GRAND #19 - February 29 2020
BOB - Bloomingfield Valentine Grand #10 - February 27 2020
HM - Cloonlara Grand - Dogz #2 - March 18 2020

11/10 Grand Conformation

BHM - Toy Premier #16 - December 20th, 2010
BHM - Christmas Chis! #5 - December 25th, 2010

4/5 Pr.


This petz has no offspring.


GCh Cargo's Celestial Sphere
Unknown Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown

Placements & Titles

Placement Show Type Date
BOS Fango #20 Conformation December 17, 2010
BHM Toy #16 Premier December 20, 2010
BOB Riot #5 Conformation December 21, 2010
HM Bohème #40 Conformation December 20, 2010
BHM Christmas Chis! #5 Premier December 25, 2010
BOS Arkillian #4 Conformation December 20, 2010
HM Lua Azul #14 Conformation January 20, 2011
HM Wicked #9 Conformation February 27, 2011
HM Filigree Express #5 Conformation March 16, 2011
BOB DeeOhGee&SeeAhTay Grand August Grand Conformation August 21, 2019
BOB Fango Grand Conformation September 30, 2019
HM Supernova Grand Conformation October 18, 2019
HM Filigree #18 Grand Conformation October 21, 2019
PICK Fango Grand Conformation January 20, 2020
BOB Filigree's Last Day of February GRAND #19 Grand Conformation February 29, 2020
BOB Bloomingfield Valentine #10 Grand Conformation February 27, 2020
HM Cloonlara Grand - Dogz #2 Grand Conformation March 18, 2020
Title Date
Ch March 26, 2011
GCh April 12, 2020