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Shade's Companion Show #11

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Shade's Companion Show #11

Judged by: 7844

Closed: October 10, 2020

Hidden Placement Showname Breed Type Owner
69 BCP Feral's Let Me In of Nostalgia Mixed Breed Cat Companion Novice 321
72 BCP PRKC's Falling Leaves Mixed Breed Cat Companion Intermediate 12264
75 BCP Medusa Three Point One Four Mixed Breed Cat Companion Advanced 11363
69 BCP Royalty's Smooth As Molasses Mixed Breed Dog Companion Novice 11363
70 RCP KGMK Demon Sword Mixed Breed Dog Companion Novice 4319
72 BCP KGMK Flute Chillum Mixed Breed Dog Companion Intermediate 4319
73 RCP Medusa Not Half Bad Mixed Breed Dog Companion Intermediate 11363
75 BCP Imaginathen's Coriander Seed Mixed Breed Dog Companion Advanced 11901
69 BCP Swallowtail's Swinging Aria Orange Shorthair Companion Novice 178
72 BCP Swallowtail's Dappled Moonlight Orange Shorthair Companion Intermediate 178
75 BCP Paisley's Bryophyte Kitten Orange Shorthair Companion Advanced 178
69 BCP Balderdash Once A Hero Golden Retriever Companion Novice 7960
72 BCP Rebel's BLUE Border Collie Companion Intermediate 7124
76 RCP Balderdash To Hell With It! Golden Retriever Companion Advanced 3859